5 Ways that a Hosted Cloud Phone System Boosts Mobile Productivity

hosted voip mobile productivity

hosted voip mobile productivityIn the past across most industries and sectors, remote workers were the exception (and we’d all hear them brag at parties about their glorious office-less job). However, these days remote working isn’t just trending, but it’s the norm!

3 Out of 4 Workers Will Be Mobile by 2020 

According to research from IDC, the number of mobile workers in the U.S. will grow to a staggering 105.4 million by 2020, at which time approximately 3 out of every 4 employees will work at least part — if not all — of the time away from the office.

Given the surge in remote working, it’s easy to understand why businesses of all sizes — from small startups to large enterprises — are investing in systems and solutions that boost mobile productivity. And one of the ways that they’re achieving this mission critical objective is by switching to an advanced hosted cloud phone system.

Below, we highlight the 5 ways that a hosted cloud phone system significantly boosts mobile productivity, which is good for remote workers and GREAT for an organization’s competitive advantage, customer experience commitment, and overall bottom-line:

  1. Anytime, Anywhere Connectivity

Simply by installing a lightweight app on their smartphone (iPhone or Android), remote workers can access the hosted cloud system to make or receive calls from anywhere, and at any time (see note below). What’s more, they can instantly connect through instant messages, and check the status of their colleagues before making or transferring a call.

Note: we mentioned that remote workers can make and receive calls at anytime. However, if desired, system administrators can create customized rules that govern when this is possible, such as during regular business hours. It’s also possible to set geographic restrictions to prevent calls if they are made or received beyond a certain distance from the office.    

  1. One Number vs. Multiple Numbers

Remote workers typically have multiple phones — which means they have several phone numbers. For example, they often have an office number, a corporately-owned smartphone number, a personal smartphone number, and a home landline number (and possibly a separate home office number as well). Trying to reach remote workers can be a time consuming process of trial and error.

However, a hosted cloud phone system eliminates this hassle and confusion. Remote workers can route all calls to their smartphone (or any other number if desired), which means that colleagues and customers only have to remember and dial one number vs. multiple numbers.

  1. Consistent Caller ID Profile 

Despite the productivity advantages, many businesses don’t want their remote workers making outgoing calls from their smartphone because their personal name/number will show up on the other parties’ caller ID. In some cases, this can simply look amateur and unprofessional, while in other cases the concern may be about worker safety and security.

Fortunately, neither of these are risks or issues with a hosted cloud phone system. All outgoing calls only display the business’s name and phone number on caller ID.

  1. Seamlessly Transfer Live Calls

hosted voip mobile productivityWith a hosted cloud phone system, remote workers can seamlessly transfer live calls from their smartphone to any other IP phone that is connected to the system — including those that are installed in other locations — and continue to call without interruption.

For example, they can answer a call using the IP phone on their desk, transfer it to their smartphone as they walk out of the office to their car, and then transfer it again to their car via Bluetooth.

  1. Full Call Control 

With a hosted cloud phone system, mobile workers can manage their contacts, voicemails, call history, answering rules, greetings, presence, and all other configurations from a single location. They can also pick-up voicemail-to-email and voicemail-to-text messages throughout the day (or night if required!).

The Bottom Line

These days, the question isn’t whether businesses need a mobile telecommunications strategy and solution, but how quickly and affordably they can put one in place. At Carolina Digital Phone, we make it happen for as little as $20 per user, with unlimited advanced calling features and full mobile integration to empower today and tomorrow’s remote workforce.

To learn more about how a hosted cloud phone system boosts mobile productivity, contact the Carolina Digital Phone team at (336) 544-4000 today, or click the Chat Button on your left. Your consultation with us is free!