Here’s a fantastic service for anyone looking for professionally recorded business telephone system prompts, greetings, and more. Carolina Digital Phone has partnered with Snap Recordings, the leading online provider of professional voice recordings for business telephone systems. You can now order custom voicemail greetings, promotional on-hold messages, announcements, prompts, or any other type of telephone recordings directly from our website.

Professional Voices
Using the online wizard, create professional-quality telephone recordings, and establish instant credibility with your callers. Simply register for a free account, choose your voice talent and music, type or paste your script into our message editor, and pay securely online. Your selected voice talent will record your script and our engineers will format the recording so that it is compatible with your phone system. We’ll deliver your production within 3-4 business days or 1-2 days if you opt for rush delivery (available at an additional price).
Pricing starts at just $50 for up to 75 words (that’s about 30 seconds).

Custom Recordings
Not sure where to start in recording all of the voice messages you will need for your business telephone system? No problem, with Snap Recordings, we’ll walk you through the process of selecting your voiceover talent, writing your messages, getting your messages recorded and downloaded.
Need background music? You’re covered! Snap Recordings has over 1,000 pre-licensed music tracks available for you to choose from!
Want to hear examples before you decide? Snap recordings makes it easy to choose from dozens of professional voice talents. You can preview each available voice to decide which one best suits your business. Choose from various examples for different industries, male or female, and even bilingual options, including script translation for an additional fee.
Audio file formats available include:
AIFF (44.1kHz 16bit)
MP3 (128kbps)
MP3 (320kbps)
11kHz 16-bit WAV
44.1kHz 16 bit WAV
WAV CCITT ULaw (8kHz 8bit)
WAV PCM (8kHz 16-bit)
If you are interested in starting the process of getting professionally voiced messages for your business or just want more information,
CLICK HERE for samples, prices, FAQ’s and more!