


Chiropractors are highly educated primary care professionals who develop and carry out comprehensive treatment and management plans, recommend therapeutic exercise and other non-invasive therapies, and provide evidence-based nutritional, dietary and lifestyle advice. However, this is not where their role and responsibilities end.

Most chiropractors are also business owners, which means that in addition to serving patients and managing staff, they must also ensure that their clinic is streamlined, efficient and productive. And that is why a growing number of chiropractors are making the “adjustment” from a conventional phone system, to our state-of-the-art hosted VoIP phone system. Below, we highlight the key reasons why:

Significant Cost Savings

Just like other healthcare providers, chiropractors are under pressure to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Yet as Harvard Business Review points out, cost saving measures or strategies cannot compromise patient care or staff performance.


Our hosted VoIP helps chiropractors significantly reduce telecommunications costs — but without compromising any aspect of service delivery or operational standards — in several ways, including.

Dr Paul Williams owner of Williams Chiropractic said:


We have have utilized Carolina Digital Phone for my office phone needs for several years.   We appreciate the robust features of the system along with local customer service.  We are a very happy customer. 

Please provide us with some basic information below, and a pre-sales voice engineer will contact you quickly. In a hurry? Our pre-sales engineering team will take your call from 8 AM until 5:00 PM EST by calling this fast-pass direct number: (336) 560-4400.

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Improving Patient Experience

As noted by the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research, patient experience refers to aspects that patients value when they seek and receive care, including timely appointments, easy access to information, and good communication with their respective healthcare providers.


Our hosted VoIP system helps chiropractors elevate patient experience in a multiple ways, including:

Furthermore, chiropractors with multiple locations can route calls to any available team member across the network. For example, if there are 5 staff members in Clinic A and all of them are on the phone, a 6th incoming call can be routed to Clinic B where staff members are available.

Enhancing Team Communication

Experts say that in the healthcare sector “communication is the most important medical instrument” — and not just with patients, but among and across internal team members.


Out hosted VoIP system helps chiropractors significantly enhance internal communication in a variety of ways, including:

Increasing Productivity

As highlighted by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, cost trends in the U.S. healthcare sector are consistently increasing 2.5 percent faster than the general rate of inflation — which means that chiropractors (and other healthcare providers) do not just want to be more productive, but they need to be more productive.


Our hosted VoIP phone system drives measurable and sustainable productivity gains in a number of ways, including:

As noted earlier, team members can also access voicemails as audio files. This makes it simple and fast to pass along communications vs. waste time or risk human error by manually relaying a message orally, through an email, or via handwritten notes. For example, instead of obliging a team member to convey a myriad of details in a long, complex voicemail, they can simply and rapidly forward the audio file to a colleague who can listen to it for themselves.

Please provide us with some basic information below, and a pre-sales voice engineer will contact you quickly. In a hurry? Our pre-sales engineering team will take your call from 8 AM until 5:00 PM EST by calling this fast-pass direct number: (336) 560-4400.

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