Real Estate Professionals Find a Cloud-Based Telephone Service Gives Them Quick Access to Their Clients

REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALSCommunication with clients is an important consideration for any business, but it’s a whole different ball game when it comes to being a realtor. Staying in touch with clients becomes a top priority to ensure that they’re always up to date with the latest deals, and if you’re helping clients put bids and make deals on a property then they need to know the latest status updates as quickly as possible. This is where phone-based communication is handy, but do realtors actually use a traditional phone system for work purposes?


Not anymore.


In today’s technology-charged world, real estate professionals use cloud-based telephone systems for a number of different reasons. They’ve entirely replaced traditional phone systems due to the many benefits they offer, and we’re going to explain why.

Lower the Costs of Operating Your Business

lower costsOne of the biggest benefits of using a cloud-based telephone service is that it lowers the costs of operating your business. Cloud-based solutions are almost infinitely scalable which means that, no matter how big your business is, you’re always going to have a way to add more employees and scale support for more phone lines and services that will suit your needs. Not only are costs lower, but they’re also more predictable which leads to stable capital expenditure and projections for operating costs.


In addition to operating costs being more manageable, you also have the advantage of lower maintenance costs. For example, if you encounter an error or hardware-related issue with traditional phone lines, then you’ll need to wait a long time for someone to come out and repair the issue, and you’ll also be faced with potentially high repair costs to replace hardware or fix wiring issues that were discovered during maintenance. Services to maintain and examine your telephone system might also be expensive, and it’s difficult to gauge if you have a problem with your telephone system or not unless you examine it. In short, cloud-based telephone systems greatly decrease the costs of operating your business and keeping it running smoothly.

Flexibility Leads to Mobility

smartphone userAnother huge advantage of having a cloud-based telephone system is that it can be accessed anywhere that you have an internet connection. You no longer need to be physically attached to the telephone line because it’s all based in the cloud. This results in more flexibility in how you use your phone system and when your agents contact their respective clients.


However, this also means that you have more mobility when it comes to finding or dealing with clients. If you’re able to use a smartphone, a tablet or even a laptop for your cloud-based telephone system, then it means you can work remotely without ever being in the office. In a busy day and age like now, it only makes sense that you choose a solution that leads to a more mobile business that can adapt to various situations.

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Integration with Other Technologies

Cloud technology is something that almost all businesses use because of the cost savings it offers and scalability. However, another good reason that companies use cloud-based technologies is that it can be integrated with other types of technologies.


Customer Relationship Management, often shortened to just CRM, is the process of using technology to manage relationships and interactions with your customers. It’s a collection of concepts, tools and processes that helps you build better relationships with your customers by staying in touch, personalizing your service to them and also streamlining processes.


Since CRM systems are based in the cloud, they have seamless integration with cloud-based telephone systems and they can be used together to increase the overall profitability of your business. With CRM integration, you can call certain clients that are due for contact with just a single click and you can keep track of when and how many times you’ve kept in touch with prospective, existing or past customers.


Real estate professionals will always be driven by local business, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rely on technologies such as cloud-based telephone systems. They offer your company far more flexibility when it comes to dealing with clients from all over (or outside of) the city, and it can be accessed from virtually any device that supports an internet connection.


It’s so simple to set up and start using that it’ll seamlessly integrate and replace your traditional phone system without any interruptions. To conclude, real estate professionals use cloud-based telephone systems because it helps to create a more efficient business which results in higher profits and an improved customer experience.

About Carolina Digital Phone:

Carolina Digital Phone is a North Carolina based pioneer of hosted phone services, and provides products that improve the capabilities of business, education and government telephony, while reducing their overall cost. The company’s offerings stand out for their excellent value, including very competitive pricing, the industry’s deepest feature set, ease of deployment, and many user-friendly packages – from a full turnkey setup including dial tone and VoIP phones to automated call answering and routing solutions that work with existing landlines, cell phones or VoIP phones. Learn more at

Please provide us with some basic information below, and a pre-sales voice engineer will contact you quickly. In a hurry? Our pre-sales engineering team will take your call from 8 AM until 5:00 PM EST by calling this fast-pass direct number: (336) 560-4400.

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