Support Request for Existing Carolina Digital Phone Customers

Please type as complete a description as possible of the problem in the comment field below. Please include the end-user name, and the business name, in the message field. If the business phone services are down request a cell phone for a callback.

REQUIRED FIELDS: Requester Email address, Subject Line is a brief description of the problem, and Telephone number at the bottom. Then you must press SEND FEEDBACK button.

The more information you provide the better, so describe as much detail as possible so our engineer can quickly diagnose the issue you are having and can quickly reply. If you need an urgent call, please remember to put your direct dial telephone number in this section so we can call you. If the support request is outside business hours, our team will get back to you during the next business day. Regular support hours are Monday – Friday from 8 AM – 5 PM U.S. Eastern Time.