5 Things to Look for in a Winston-Salem Hosted PBX Company

Photo by Ian McIlwraith on Unsplash

5 Things to Look for in a Winston-Salem Hosted PBX Company

We all know that having the right information, at the right time, can make all the difference between rewarding decisions, and those that are regrettable decisions.  

For example, when you’re in Winston-Salem during rush hour, then you want to do your best to avoid East 5th Street. While you’re at it, avoid North Church Street, North Liberty Street, 3rd Street, and Trade Street Northwest. Seriously, don’t get us started on Trade Street Northwest. Or, if you’re in the mood for some KILLER baked goods, you head straight to Camino Bakery or Louie and Honey’s Kitchen.

Well, when it comes to choosing a hosted PBX (a.k.a. VoIP) company in Winston-Salem, it’s also important to know what to look for. Here are the 5 factors that matter the most:  

1. Experience and Expertise

We cannot overstate how crucial it is to choose a hosted PBX company that has many years of experience and proven expertise. Basically, no matter what kind of situation, issue, or challenge you run into down the road (e.g., optimizing your network design, changing your network services, reconfiguring your internet connection, expanding into new locations, etc.), you want to know that your hosted PBX company has a wide range of experience, and has “been there, done that.”

2. Local Support

You can deal remotely with many matters involving hosted PBX telecommunications service, which is a good thing because it’s fast and convenient for you. However, if an on-site visit is necessary, then you want to know technicians can be on-site in a matter of hours (or by the next business day).

And of course, it goes without saying — but we will mention it just in case — the technicians who serve you either remotely or on-site must be full-time employees of the PBX company. You don’t want part-time contractors who may not be in North Carolina or even the United States! This ensures that everyone focuses on, and is accountable to, the person who matters most: YOU.

3. Helping You Save As Much Money As Possible

One of the most unique things about Winston-Salem is that in some ways it is very modern and on the leading edge, and is a hotbed for high-tech startups. Yet at the same time, it is also deeply rooted in its proud historic past.  Just take a stroll through Old Salem and see for yourself – (wouldn’t some Moravian cookies from Dewey’s Bakery be really good about now? But we digress…).

In the same way, your PBX company should offer a state-of-the-art, full-featured phone system. But they should have “old fashioned values” about helping you save as much money as possible, and get the most for the least. There are two reasons for this. First, it’s the right thing to do. Second, the more you save, the happier you will be — and the better the relationship. Pretty simple, huh?

4. No Pressure or Aggressive Sales Tactics

Here’s the thing about Winston-Salem folks outsiders don’t quite understand or expect when they get here. Yes, we’re incredibly friendly. Sure, we’re extremely generous. Of course, we’ll give you the benefit of the doubt most of the time. But we DON’T tolerate being pushed around.

When you’re evaluating various hosted PBX companies, make sure that they clearly understand and abide by this unwritten rule. If a company uses heavy-handed tactics to get you to sign on the dotted line, then walk away. And feel free to say what’s on your mind on the way out the door.

Essentially, the Winston-Salem hosted PBX company you choose should be happy to provide you with a comprehensive demo of their system. They should be upfront about associated business calling features like answering incoming calls using a mobile app. Finally, they should answer all of your questions thoroughly and clearly. Their focus is on your SUCCESS and not your MONEY.

5. Reputation, Reputation, Reputation

Realtors say that the three most important things about a property are “location, location, and location” (as anyone enjoying life in Buena Vista will agree!).

Well, when it comes to hosted PBX companies in Winston-Salem, you definitely want to check out VERIFIED reviews. Pay particular attention to comments about after-sales service. This is an area where many companies drop the ball. They talk a great game when selling business phone systems, but over-promise and under-deliver on support. 

Next Steps

At Carolina Digital Phone, we check ALL of the boxes discussed above, and we do it with a smile (especially if we have some Moravian cookies!). 

Ready to learn more? Call us at (336) 544-4000. Discover why we are one of the most trusted and recommended hosted PBX companies serving the business community in Winston-Salem.