
Boost Your Bottom Line With A Business Texting Service

Regardless of your business, your long-term success takes more than just your love of what you do and your ambition. It is basically a question of whether or not you are making sales. Having the right tools to be competitive in today’s high-tech world is critical.

Sales play an integral role in businesses. They help stimulate local economic growth, support communities and encourage corporate social responsibility. Ultimately, sales are the driving force that makes this achievable.

Thinking about how to boost sales and execute your vision? Texting services provide a solution for both startups and established businesses. Let’s explore business texting, marketing, and improving your company’s bottom line.

Business Text Messaging Explained

Business text messaging involves the exchange of SMS messages between a company and its leads, customers, or employees. Though recipients may find it similar to the format of texting with a friend, businesses may also use advanced system features for recipient segmentation, workflow automation, analytics, and other functionalities.

Using popular channels like SMS and chat apps, business text messaging enhances customer experience. It’s more than just marketing via texts.

Business texting services are gaining popularity due to their ability to increase sales and enhance customer experience. For instance, SMS messages can be used by companies to communicate with customers and leads in a more personalized manner, which is likely to result in increased engagement and conversions.

Moreover, business texting apps offer advanced functionalities such as recipient segmentation, workflow automation, and analytics. These features enable companies to automate their marketing campaigns.

Advantages of Business Texting Services

Below, we highlight five reasons why business texting services achieve what ultimately matters most in the big picture and long run: INCREASE SALES.

Almost Everyone Owns a Smartphone or a Cell Phone

A whopping 97% of Americans own at least one cell phone or smartphone. Around 15% of American adults rely only on their smartphones for internet access. Consequently, they do not depend on conventional residential broadband services for communication. Emails are losing popularity too, with 55% of consumers flat-out ignoring marketing emails.

In addition to the high clickthrough and response rates, business texting services offer several other benefits. One of the most significant advantages is that it allows for quick and easy communication with customers in real time, which can significantly improve customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, text messaging provides a level of convenience that other forms of communication cannot match. Customers can respond at their leisure.

Business Text Messaging Drives Engagement

We just finished pointing out that business text messaging services enable you to reach virtually all of your current and potential customers. But this begs an important question: Yes, these people will GET your texts, but will they actually OPEN them?

Well, here is the answer: the average smartphone user checks their device 96 times per day — or about once every 10 minutes. What’s more, 90% of people open a text within three minutes of receipt, with a response rate of 45%. Compare this to email, which has an average open rate of 20%, and a response rate of 6%.

Still, you might be wondering about good ol’ fashioned phone calls. A few decades ago, this was the primary outreach option — but not today. 96% of people find phone calls disruptive, and 97% ignore calls from organizations unless they are expecting a call.

Business Text Messaging Drives Action

We have established that business text messaging services enable you to reach your target audience, and in a way that they enjoy and find agreeable. So far, so good! But there is one more critical piece to the puzzle: when it comes to moving the needle on sales, does it actually matter? The answer is an unqualified YES. Consider these eye-opening statistics:

Clearly, text messaging persuades customers to take desirable action that moves them forward along the customer journey — and ultimately, towards a profitable transaction (which might be a matter of hours/days for B2C engagements, or weeks/months for B2B engagements).

Business Text Messaging Supports Targeting, Segmentation & Personalization

Naturally, you value and appreciate all of your customers. But you also know that they do not have the exact same needs, goals, and preferences. You need to send the right messages, to the right customer segments, at the right time. Business texting services make this happen.

You can easily segment your audience and target messages to specific customer groups based on customized variables, such as purchase history, location, role, demographics, and other data. What’s more, you can personalize messages with the recipient’s name (or other information), which can significantly enhance engagement and relevance. Consider that:

Business Texting is Surprisingly Affordable

All of the reasons above create a very compelling use case for business texting services. However, while sales professionals out there may be highly energized and excited about adding this extremely powerful tool, the CFOs, and CEOs among us have to take something else into consideration: cost. After all, what good is substantially increasing sales if the cost of customer acquisition goes through the roof?

This is a non-issue with business texting services because they are astonishingly cost-effective — and often far less expensive than other forms of advertising. Furthermore, you can integrate business texting technology with CRM and marketing automation systems in your environment, which further reduces costs and enables tracking and optimization.

In Partnership with the Campaign Registry

Carolina Digital Phone Inc the parent company of Text Now Messaging in partnership with the Campaign Registry ensures your messages are delivered with the correct authorization.

What is 10DLC and Sanctioned Environment?

10 Digit Long Code (10DLC) is the new standard for Application-to-Person (A2P) text messaging utilizing a traditional 10-digit phone number. Although similar to the existing long code, 10DLC is a reliable messaging channel with throughput levels suitable for SMS campaigns and is sanctioned by mobile operators for A2P messaging. The Campaign Registry guidelines require Users to follow industry best practices according to the CTIA. For more information, please see the CTIA Messaging Principles and Best Practice Guide.

The Bottom Line

If your company is not using business texting services to INCREASE SALES, then it is more than a missed opportunity for revenues and profits. In the big picture and long run, it could be fatal. Alas, the dustbin of history is always open and has no bottom.


Stay Ahead & INCREASE SALES With Text Now Messaging

Text Now Messaging by Carolina Digital Phone is more than just an ordinary business texting service. It enables you to reach your current and future customers in more meaningful ways. With 98% read rates and 40% response rates, real-time, two-way texting gives your organization the lasting competitive edge that you’ve been looking for. There are plans to fit any business.

See Text Now Messaging in action by texting “Demo” to (336) 490-4900, or give us a call toll-free at (888) 600-5411.