Nicky Smith, DigitalPhone.io Founder and CEO
Dear Friends:
When I was a kid, Thanksgiving was about eating lots of food, watching plenty of TV, and of course the most glorious thing of all: a day off school!
But now that I’m older (or “of a certain vintage” as they say), I understand that Thanksgiving is truly about being grateful, and appreciating all that has been given.
Well, in that spirit, this Thanksgiving I would like to take a moment and share some of the wonderful things that my family and I are grateful for:
Our Customers
I have said this before, and I will say it again many times: our customers are everything to us. Without our customers, our business doesn’t exist. It’s as simple as that.
What’s more, we’ve never viewed our customers as “cases” or “transactions.” We see them as valued partners and friends who rely on us. We take that trust VERY seriously, and never cut corners or compromise on quality.
Our Team
Our team is the best of the best! I’m so proud and grateful to work with such talented, dedicated and hard-working individuals who always go the extra mile for our customers, and for each other.
It’s really a joy to work with such great people, and as we continue to expand our operations across the nation, we will be hiring many more great people at all levels.
Our Nation
I am immensely proud of our nation, from the hard working men and women who drive us forward in an uncertain and often difficult world, to our Military Members stationed at home and abroad who keep us safe, and protect our freedoms. To you and all of our Veterans, we thank you for your service and are forever in your debt.
I would also like to point out that part of our legacy for nearly 20 years has been creating quality full-time jobs here at home vs. outsourcing them to countries where labor is cheaper, and providing U.S.-based service and support.
The Power of Gratitude
Zig Ziglar, the famous master salesman once said: “Gratitude is the healthiest of emotions — the more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”
On behalf of my family and our team, thank you and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!