Success Story: Christ United Methodist Church in Greensboro

christ united methodist church

The team at Christ United Methodist Church in Greensboro is simply amazing, and now their efforts are needed more than ever. Indeed, a survey by the Pew Research Center revealed an unexpected impact of the coronavirus crisis: more Americans are turning their attention — and some of them for the very first time — to spiritual and religious matters.

And so, when Samantha Charlet, the outstanding and friendly Business Manager at Christ United Methodist Church wanted to make sure that her IP phones worked over a Wi-Fi network, our (also outstanding and friendly!) Customer Service Manager Randy Williams personally delivered Wi-Fi dongles and power supplies. He also explained how to set everything up.

Samantha is very happy with how the IP phones work on Wifi, and we’re proud of Randy for demonstrating, yet again, that we’re always willing to go the extra mile to help our customers solve their problems.