5 Truths Your Landline Phone Company Won’t Tell You About Hosted Cloud

pinnochino liar

There are basically two ways to tell a lie.

The first way, obviously, is not telling the truth. But the second way — which is less obvious yet just as deceitful — is to withhold the truth from someone who needs and is entitled to the full story.

No, we’re not talking about how spouses eventually learn that it’s sometimes the better part of wisdom (and self-preservation) to keep their mouths shut. For example, answering the question “does this make me look fat?” with anything but a fast and firm “heavens no!” is asking for trouble.

But we are talking about situations where important decisions are on the line — decisions like whether or not it’s in your business’s best interest to switch from your current landline phone system, to a hosted cloud phone system.

First, the Bad News…

If you’re contemplating this decision, the bad news is that your landline phone company probably won’t tell you everything you need to know, so that you can make an informed decision. In their view, they aren’t lying to you, because they aren’t deliberately giving you misinformation. But they aren’t telling you the full story. Which, of course, is lying.

Now, the Good News!

However, the good news is that we’re more than happy to help fill in the gaps, so that you can do your research, ask important questions, and get the FACTS you need to make a decision that is in your business’s best interests — both in the short and long term.

And so, here are 5 things that your landline phone company probably won’t tell you about hosted cloud phone systems:

1. Hosted Cloud Phone Systems are Much Cheaper to Purchase, Operate and Maintain 

businesses save money with a hosted VoIP phone system The exact amount of your savings depends on the size of the system, the number of users, and other configuration details. Generally, businesses that switch to a hosted cloud phone system save anywhere from 25-50% each year. Some businesses save even more; especially if they use video conferencing to cut down on travel costs.

And on top of this, the bill you get each month with a hosted cloud phone system will be predictable — which makes it much easier for you to plan your budget and spending. With a conventional landline phone system, your bills can change wildly from month-to-month.

2. With Hosted Cloud Phone Systems There is No On-Site Technical Support Burden

reduce IT burden with a hosted VoIP phone systemWith a landline phone system, you either need to provide technical support on your own, or you need to purchase a maintenance agreement. Either way, it’s an added cost that runs into the thousands per year. It also means that you sometimes must wait days or weeks for phone company technicians to come on-site and figure out what’s wrong; especially if you’re a small business, and must wait in line behind larger and more profitable customers that get priority.

With a hosted cloud phone system, all technical support is provided by the cloud solutions provider. What’s more, most problems can be solved remotely (through a managed router), and can take place at a time that eliminates or minimizes any disruption to your staff (i.e. upgrades, diagnostics and re-configurations can take place after-hours or on weekends).

3. You Can Easily Scale Up or Down with a Hosted Cloud Phone System

scale easily with a hosted VoIP phone systemAdding users (e.g. employees, temporary hires, contractors, freelancers, etc.) to a hosted cloud phone system can be done in a matter of seconds. There are no copper wires to install, and no need to configure an on-site PBX (that big, scary-looking piece of hardware in a closet that looks like something from a science fiction movie).

Instead, you simply log into your system through a web-based dashboard, add users, and get the numbers/extensions that are needed. It’s fast, simple, and remarkably affordable compared a landline phone system.

4. Hosted Cloud Phone Systems Support Mobile Workers

enhance mobile productivity with a hosted VoIP phone systemWith a hosted cloud phone system, your employees can make and receive calls anytime and anywhere using their mobile device. They can also access the system by plugging a headset into any internet-enabled computer or laptop, which is ideal if they have a home office or are using a hotel business center while traveling.

Conversely, landline phone systems rely on copper wires that run through the walls, and physically connect phones to POTS (“plain old telephone service”) lines outside. They’re not built for mobile workers, including those that stay in the office during the day, but need to move around from office to office or desk to desk.

5. Hosted Cloud Phone Systems are Extremely Reliable

a hosted VoIP phone system is extremely reliableWhen landline phone companies say that their system is reliable, they’re telling the truth. However, what they typically — and deliberately — don’t mention is that hosted cloud phone systems are also extremely reliable, and have a guaranteed uptime of 99.99%.

What’s more, hosted cloud phone systems can be supported by a backup power supply network that keeps the system operational during a local power outage. As a result, employees can forward calls to another location or phone (including a landline at home), or make/receive calls on their smartphones. 

The Bottom Line 

In a perfect business world, all vendors — whether they sold landline phone systems or anything else — would believe in the superiority of their respective products and services, and would therefore not worry about telling customers not just the truth, but the WHOLE truth. Sure, some customers may end up heading to a competitor. But that’s fine. That’s how the marketplace is supposed to work: you win some, you lose some.

Unfortunately, we all know that the business world isn’t perfect — and it’s not always due to governments and other easy targets. It’s also because some vendors withhold information that they think (or make that, they know) would be damaging to their case. They don’t consider this lying, but there’s really no other word for it.

At Carolina Digital Phone, we don’t deceive our customers into choosing us. That’s why we’re about to celebrate our 20th anniversary in 2019. We haven’t thrived for two decades in this extremely competitive field by playing fast and loose with the truth. Our success is based on educating our customers to make informed decisions on what is best for THEM — not for us. It’s all about trust!

Contact us today to get the facts you need to make the right decisions for your business. Your consultation is free, and there is no risk, obligation or pressure.

We’ll honestly and transparently answer your questions, and tell you the FULL STORY!