5 Reasons Why a Scalable VoIP Phone System Helps Future-Proof Your Business

Woman with Scalable Phone System

Nobody has a crystal ball, and even so-called “Business Pundits” who love going on TV and predicting the future are dialing back on their forecasts — because if the last couple of years has taught us anything, it’s that things can change rapidly. And that is exactly why thousands of businesses a year are switching from a rigid and costly conventional phone system, to a flexible, cost-effective, and scalable VoIP phone system. 

Below, we highlight 5 key reasons why VoIP helps future-proof your business:  

Whether some of your employees are working from home full-time, routinely shifting back-and-forth from the office, or occasionally working from home (e.g., bad weather, car trouble, taking care of a sick family member, etc.), a scalable VoIP phone system is the ideal telecommunications solution at an extremely affordable cost.  

Your remote employees don’t have to install new phone lines (or scream at family members for “tying up the phone line!”). They simply make/receive calls using: 

In addition, your remote employees can access a variety of Unified Calling (UC) features that boost productivity, efficiency, and collaboration, such as:   

  • Instant messaging (SMS/MMS) 
  • Presence 
  • Video conferencing 
  • Live call transfer 
  • Screen sharing 
  • Integrated voicemail (also referred to as voicemail-to-email/voicemail-to-text) 
  • Cloud faxing (also referred to as e-faxing) 

2. Eliminate the Rigid Limitations of an On-Site PBX   

An on-premise phone PBX system has a fixed number of lines (called “trunks”), and employees must share outside lines if they want to make external calls. For example, if your business has three outside lines and they are all being used, then employees must wait until one is free to make a call. There are also a limited number of internal phones or extensions.  

This is a non-issue with VoIP, which seamlessly scales to support your growth. If you need more phone numbers, you simply add inexpensive licenses (called “seats”). And even if at some point you need to update your data network infrastructure to support the added bandwidth capacity, the costs are affordable and you can invest in stages per your strategy and budget. YOU are in control — not the phone company!  

3. Never Replace an Expensive On-Site PBX Again 

With a conventional on-premise PBX phone system, businesses must buy, maintain, and eventually replace hardware when it reaches its end-of-life (usually around the 5-year mark). This is surprisingly expensive, and for larger organizations the costs can easily run into the 6-figures.  

With a scalable VoIP phone system, you never have to replace anything, because all PBX hardware is housed and maintained off-site by your Solutions Provider. Not only do you save a significant amount of money, but you save office space, too! 

4. Take Your Phone Numbers With You When Expanding/Relocating 

One of the most beneficial aspects of a scalable VoIP phone system is that your phone numbers easily move with you as you expand or change locations. There is no need to schedule and pay for a technician to configure anything. Simply unplug your IP phones from your old location, and plug them into your new location. They will instantly start working and retain all configurations (e.g. contact list, call history, etc.). 

5. Always Get the Latest Innovations and Technology 

Companies that sell on-site PBX phone systems typically give new customers the “latest and greatest” innovations and technology as an incentive to get them on the roster. Existing customers must pay for these upgrades, and the price tag is high (and not surprisingly, the profit margin for these companies is massive).   

With a scalable VoIP phone system, you won’t pay a cent to get new innovations and leading-edge technology. Your Solutions Provider will automatically implement these. You can be assured that you are ALWAYS getting the best offering available. Isn’t that how it should be?  

The Bottom Line 

A scalable all-in-one VoIP phone system enables your business to effectively respond to change — instead of frantically reacting to change — while supporting your growth plans. And if that wasn’t enough of a reason, then consider this: switching to a VoIP phone system can cut your annual telecommunication costs by 25-50% (or possibly even more in some cases). You’ll get much more for far less while future-proofing your business for whatever comes your way. Is it any wonder why thousands of businesses each year make the switch to VoIP? And shouldn’t your important business be among them?   

To learn more about getting a scalable, future-proofed and highly cost-effective VoIP phone system for your business, contact Carolina Digital Phone today at (336) 544-4000. The live demo and consultation are free and can be delivered at your location or over-the-web.