I realize that, typically, holiday messages are a few generic lines wishing you the best of the season (and maybe accompanied by people wearing ugly Christmas sweaters). Honestly, I enjoy these types of holiday messages. They are short, simple, and sweet.
But this year, I am going to do something a little bit different — which should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone who knows me.
Here is what I would like to share with you all:
If the last couple of years has taught us anything, it is that things can change quickly — and not necessarily for the better. And if anyone in this part of the world has any doubts, you need only look at what is happening in Ukraine. Here are pictures of the Christmas tree in Kyiv in December 2019, 2020 and 2021:
The good news is that we KNOW that Ukraine will prevail, and enter a glorious new era that will be celebrated by freedom-loving people around the world. But the tragic news is that it will not be quick or without enormous suffering. Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But at the moment, it is a very dim light and a very long tunnel.
And so, this year I urge everyone who is reading this to take a moment and reflect on all that is GOOD in your life, and the lives of the people you care about and love.
Life is a gift. It is not a guarantee. The people of Ukraine have been ceaselessly reminded of this stark truth for the last 12 months. And we should remember it as well. This should NOT depress or discourage us. On the contrary, it should inspire us to treasure what we have in our life — and even more importantly, treasure WHO we have in our life.
This holiday, I will be thinking of and praying for the people of Ukraine. I will also be sending love and gratitude to my family, friends, team, customers, community, and country. I urge you to join me, and not miss this opportunity to be reminded of what truly matters — not just this time of year, but always.
Nicky Smith
PS: Carolina Digital Phone was one of the first companies in the WORLD to publicly declare that we #StandWithUkraine. To show your support, please visit this page that highlights multiple options for you to make a difference!