
A Salute to Our Heroes this Veterans Day

The big thing in movies and TV shows these days is heroes who have special powers like flying, spinning webs, changing shape, and so on. Sure, this kind of escapism is entertaining.

But the real heroes among us do not wear capes or “leap tall buildings in a single bound.” They are brave and patriotic men and women whose love for our country has inspired them to serve in the Armed Forces.

Whether they are stationed at home or abroad, these individuals are putting their lives on the line — because if our country is threatened or experiences an attack, they will be called upon to defend us.

Let’s take a moment out of our busy lives to really think about this and understand what it means. There are men and women who are TOTAL STRANGERS to us — they will never meet us or know our names — who, if required, will SACRIFICE THEIR LIVES to protect us. The state we live in, or our political beliefs, are irrelevant. Those who serve in the Armed Forces take a vow that is not circumstantial. They serve and defend our country – PERIOD.

Veterans Day falls on November 11 each year. But we should THINK, THANK and HONOR the men and women of our Armed Forces every single day:

  • THINK about the incredible sacrifices that the men and women in our Armed Forces are making. Even if they never see combat or come in harm’s way — and we pray to God that they don’t — they are often separated from their loved ones and friends, and sometimes they must pull up their roots and move. We often don’t grasp how much of a strain this can put on families, and especially children.
  • THANK these brave and patriotic men and women for their service. They do not do it for the glory or for the money (trust me, the compensation is shockingly low — something that our government needs to fix!). They do it because they love our country, and they want to make a difference.
  • HONOR the men and women who in conflicts past and present have made the ultimate sacrifice. We owe them a debt that can never possibly be repaid.

God Bless All of You, and God Bless America!
Nicky Smith, President
Carolina Digital Phone Inc