Why is Texting Good for Communication with Your Customers?

How important is texting these days when it comes to business communication? Research has found that a whopping 63% of customers would SWITCH to a business that offered text messaging!

Below, we highlight 5 reasons why texting is a perfect mode of communication to connect with your current and future customers:

Reason #1: Texting Aligns with Your Customers’ Lifestyles and Preferences

A survey revealed that in the U.S., the average smartphone user checks their device 96 times per day — or about once every 10 minutes! This means that by texting your customers, you don’t have to worry about disrupting their daily lives. On the contrary, you will be communicating with them in a manner that they vastly prefer. The majority of clients prefer texting over other communication tools, such as emails and phone calls (more on this below!).

Reason #2: Texting Outperforms Email

According to research, 90% of customers open a text message within 3 minutes of receiving it. Those opening text messages have a 45% response rate. Email has an average of 20% open and 6% response rates.

Reason #3: Texting Outperforms Phone Calls

Texting is much more effective than phone calls. In fact, 96% of customers feel that phone calls are disruptive, and 97% ignore calls from businesses unless they expect a call. Forbes contributor Brianna Wiest comments on this aversion to phone calls — particularly among millennials and Gen Zers, who gladly trade elements like tone of voice for conciseness and convenience :

A 15-minute phone call to convey two lines of information is a waste of time. First, there was a much more efficient way to share it. Second, the time spent making small talk, and returning to your workday ends up being a huge buzzkill.

Reason #4: Texting Integrates with Other Communication Channels

Business text messaging is used by many businesses to improve phone, internet, email, and face-to-face interactions. For example, a sales rep may send a short text to a customer to let them know that they will receive a detailed proposal via email within the next hour.

Reason #5: Texting Creates a Digital Paper Trail for Reference

Text messages are perfect for capturing important information clearly and reliably, like customer prompts or requests. Email does the same thing, but customers aren’t always on their desktops/laptops. However, they’re almost always connected to their beloved mobile phones!

The Bottom Line

Texting has emerged as a popular and preferred form of communication among customers. So, ask yourself: “How can we use texting to enhance customer experience, employee productivity, revenue, and profitability?”

Here is your answer: Get in touch with Carolina Digital Phone today and find out about the MMS and SMS text messaging functionality of our all-in-one cloud phone system! We can provide your demo and consultation session at your location, or online. There’s no risk or obligation. Call us now at (336) 544-4000.