
Back in the 1930s and 40s, a dance craze swept America called "the jitterbug." Well, here we are nearly a century later, and a different kind of jitterbug is happening — except instead of inspiring people to take a swirl on the dance floor, this one is provoking people to say: “HELLO? HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME?” Yes, we are talking about choppy voice issues.Sadly, choppy voice issues (a.k.a. jitter) impact some Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) users. But the good news is that in many cases, the issues are solved by increasing bandwidth. In this article, we take a...

For over a decade, Man in Green has been a trusted partner for businesses seeking reliable and cost-effective phone systems and merchant credit card processing solutions. With a steadfast commitment to outstanding customer service, Man in Green has earned a reputation as one of the most reliable providers in North Carolina and beyond....

In this digital age, effective communication is key to business success. Cloud-based PBX phone systems have transformed how companies with multiple locations can connect and collaborate. Say goodbye to disjointed communication and the hassles of traditional phone systems....

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, transforming voice communications into a digital format that can be transmitted over the internet. This groundbreaking innovation has not only made communication more accessible and affordable but has also introduced a new era of flexibility and functionality that traditional telephony systems could never offer. The rise of VoIP marks a significant shift in the telecommunications landscape, promising to redefine our connectivity norms and preferences. The origins of VoIP can be traced back to the early days of the internet when the concept of transmitting voice data over the internet...

The landscape of business communication is continuously evolving, driven by technological innovations and the pressing need for more efficient, scalable, and cost-effective solutions. Among the myriad of advancements, the integration of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) into the core of business operations stands out. This transformation is not just about replacing traditional telephony but about reimagining how businesses connect, communicate, and collaborate internally and with the world. VoIP has transcended its initial perception as a mere cost-saving tool. Today, it is at the heart of unified communications, enabling a seamless blend of voice, video, messaging, and data services. The real magic,...

The FCC has recently announced new compliance deadlines and requirements for Robocall Mitigation. As per the new Public Notice, all providers must file certifications and robocall mitigation plans to the Robocall Mitigation Database (RMD). The deadline is February 26, 2024....

At Carolina Digital Phone, we are at the forefront of revolutionizing communication through Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology. VoIP transforms how voice communications are transmitted, using the internet instead of traditional phone lines. This innovation offers several advantages: Cost Savings: Our VoIP solutions significantly reduce communication costs, eliminating the need for traditional phone infrastructure and often lowering call charges, especially for long-distance and international connections. Advanced Features: We offer a suite of features that traditional phone systems can't match. These include voicemail-to-email, advanced call forwarding, customizable caller IDs, and a range of call management and conferencing tools. Superior Quality and Reliability: Leveraging...

Effective communication stands as a cornerstone of success in today’s fast-paced world. As technology continues to evolve, so too do the tools and systems that businesses rely on for daily operations. Among these essential tools is the business phone system, a critical component for internal and external communication. Gone are the days when business communication was tethered to traditional landlines and limited features. Today, the landscape is vastly different, with advanced technologies reshaping how businesses connect with clients, partners, and employees. Importance of Modern Phone Systems in Today's Business Environment The modern business phone system is more than just a means to...

At Carolina Digital Phone, we encourage our potential customers to perform due diligence when comparing our VoIP business phone system with our competitors, such as Spectrum Business Connect, 8x8, Ring Central, Vonage, etc. Why do we welcome competition instead of avoiding it? Because we are extremely confident that when our potential customers conduct a rigorous "apples to apples" evaluation, they will objectively determine that we are the smart choice.  Below, we highlight the three pillars -- which we call the "3 Ps" -- that separate and elevate us from Spectrum Business Connect (and the rest, big and small): PEOPLE, PRODUCT, and...

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has revolutionized the way we communicate, seamlessly integrating the Internet into our daily conversations. This technology, which allows the transmission of voice over the internet, is now a staple in both personal and professional settings. Its significance lies not just in its ability to connect people across the globe but also in its cost-effectiveness and versatility compared to traditional telephony. The Critical Role of Call Quality However, the benefits of VoIP can only be fully realized when the call quality is high. Poor call quality hampers communication. Additionally, it can also lead to misunderstandings and frustration. In...