
When it comes to smooth, reliable internet and VoIP calls, the speed of your internet connection is very important. Common problems with VoIP calls, including jitter and choppy calls, are often a direct result of your internet bandwidth. Let's look at some useful Internet speed test resources.While there are numerous speed test resources available on the internet, we have selected one we think is superior. It appears to be highly accurate and provides a variety of geographic locations for testing. Ookla.com manages the speed test. They are the global leader in internet testing, data, and analysis. Speedtest, their flagship product,...

Choosing between WiFi and Ethernet ultimately depends on your specific needs and circumstances. WiFi offers unparalleled convenience and mobility, making it ideal for casual use and environments where flexibility is crucial. Ethernet, with its superior speed, reliability, and security, is the preferred choice for performance-intensive applications and professional settings....

Back in the 1930s and 40s, a dance craze swept America called "the jitterbug." Well, here we are nearly a century later, and a different kind of jitterbug is happening — except instead of inspiring people to take a swirl on the dance floor, this one is provoking people to say: “HELLO? HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME?” Yes, we are talking about choppy voice issues.Sadly, choppy voice issues (a.k.a. jitter) impact some Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) users. But the good news is that in many cases, the issues are solved by increasing bandwidth. In this article, we take a...

The article delves into the shift toward remote working, emphasizing its numerous advantages like increased flexibility for employees, cost savings for companies, and significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint. It highlights how remote work aids in improving work-life balance, mental health, and overall productivity. However, the article also acknowledges drawbacks, scaling from social isolation for workers, the decrease in informal office interactions, a potential negative impact on company culture to adverse effects on employees' mental health if not properly managed. It concludes by stating the need for maintaining open communications, adopting appropriate technologies, and maintaining a healthy...

SIP ALG is a technology that is available on most commercial routers, which is a networking device that forwards traffic to the Internet, or between local area networks (LANs). The “SIP” part refers to Session Initiation Protocol. This is an underlying service that powers all VoIP activity. For example, SIP registers devices, ensures call presence, and governs call audio. The "ALG" part refers to Application Layer Gateway. This is a network address translation (NAT) tool that changes private IP addresses and ports into public IP addresses and ports. It functions as a proxy to re-establish the destination addresses in data packets, which...

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) has revolutionized communication for businesses, offering cost-effective and feature-rich solutions. However, as technology advances and your business grows, it's crucial to evaluate your VoIP service periodically. In this article, we explore ten signs indicating it may be time to upgrade your VoIP service. 1. Poor Call Quality If you frequently face issues like choppy audio, dropped calls, or delays during conversations, it's a clear sign that your current VoIP service is struggling to deliver adequate call quality. Oftentimes, this is a result of slow Internet speeds. However, most Internet providers offer multiple tiers of speed so be...

Here at Carolina Digital Phone, one of the most important (and common) questions we get asked from prospective customers is: what is the bandwidth required for VoIP? Other common questions asked are about download speed and overall internet speed. In a moment, we dive into these questions. First, let's take a step back and look at some bandwidth basics.   What is Bandwidth, Anyway? The term bandwidth is used all over the place. But just what does it actually mean in simple terms? Essentially, bandwidth is a measurement of the maximum capacity of a communication link (wired or wireless) over a network connection...

The world has changed rapidly over the last month or so. COVID-19 has changed how we work and where we work, and one of the side effects of that change is heavier pressure on the internet. After all, we’re now all working from home, communicating via video calls, and sending more emails than ever before. When you take into account how many millions of people around the world are changing their working habits in these ways, it’s clear that the internet will be under greater strain than ever before.So, can the internet handle all this new traffic and how might...

Since the beginning of recorded history, communication has been an essential part of everyday life. From individuals to major corporations, hospitals, and schools, being able to share information is critical. But we’ve come a long way since cave drawings, the adaption of the modern alphabet, and smoke signals.A communications revolution began with the invention of the telegraph in the 1840s and the telephone around 1876. It wasn’t until well into the 20th century that we began to move away from the analog telephone. With the creation of ARPANET in 1969 and the internet in the 1970s, a new communications era...

In today’s current climate, video conference security has become more important than ever before. More people are remote working in light of the coronavirus lockdown. Getting used to remote working isn’t easy. You need to get your routine figured out and you need to get used to the different tools you will be using while working from home. It’s a big shift! And, this is represented effectively when it comes to the different statistics out there in regards to collaboration tools and the usage of online video context. Let’s take a look at the case of Zoom...