Cloud phone systems offer many enterprise-grade calling features such as voicemail-to-email, video conferencing, live call forwarding, direct-inward-dial, and the list goes on. However, the one that most businesses instantly fall in love with — and wonder how they managed without — is auto attendant. Here are the key benefits:1. Full CustomizationAn auto attendant is more than just an answering machine. It’s a functional and customizable 24/7 digital receptionist that lets callers quickly connect with the right individual or team, instead of having to go through a live operator or run the risk of getting “bounced around” because someone made a...

It doesn’t matter whether a business sells professional services, cool gadgets, delicious meals or anything else: while all employees have an important role to play, the fact is — and always will be — that the gateway to organizational success is sales.Indeed, without sufficient revenues, businesses cannot achieve their objectives or targets. And while sales numbers typically rise and fall due to cycles and other marketplace variables, a sustained drop in revenue inevitably — and terrifyingly — leads to layoffs, scale-backs, and in extreme cases, bankruptcies and shut downs.Given the importance of sales, it makes sense that successful businesses around...

(GL Communications Inc. 3rd May 2018) The GL Communications Inc. announced today its new ED-137 Voice Recorder Emulator software also known as MAPS ED-137 Recorder Emulator. The CEO of the company Mr. Vijay Kulkarni said, “Air traffic control centers need to provide continuous ground/air and ground/ground voice communication recordings along with replay, flight release data, air traffic incident, audits, chronology, training, and statistics. The new ED-137/4B shows inter-operability standards for the advance generation VoIP Air Traffic Recorder. The advance generation recorders are designed for all local and international control towers to simplify the recording, playback of voice communications, archiving. He also said that...