
It does not take long for some technologies to go from optional to essential. And, for the question to shift from “should we be using this technology in our organization?” to “how can we afford NOT to use this in our organization?”. Think of social media platforms. When they first hit the scene most corporations ignored these platforms. Now 97% of Fortune 500 companies use social media. Even cloud-based apps were initially treated with skepticism. Now 94% of enterprises use these apps across the world.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhTewwVCVWE What is the next technology to make the shift from optional to essential? Without a doubt,...

How did Mandi Clift decide to become an architect working for J Hyatt Hammond Associates? “Funny story,” she says with a smile, “When I was in high school, I was just enjoying being a high schooler.” That was until a guidance counselor asked her what she wanted to go to college for. Her father told her she should tell the guidance counselor “architecture,” which she did. The counselor proceeded to tell her that she couldn’t just go to college from high school without first going to community college for a few years and developing a portfolio. “You can’t get into...