
Goodbye operator, hello self-service AT&T has given customers advance notice that it will end its Operator and Directory Assistance services on January 1, 2023. The company attributes this decision to cutting-edge technology, such as online directories and voice recognition software. AT&T decided to change its policy in response to the rising popularity of online search engines and digital directories. Customers can now only access directory information by using voice recognition software on mobile devices or through AT&T's online directory. Although this may be an inconvenience for some, AT&T will still provide operator services for emergency calls and collect calls. Who does this affect? This...

Downtime is always an inconvenience In addition to disaster preparedness for your business telephone system, it is important to have a disaster plan in place for all aspects of your organization. Do you have backup generators? Are files and documents backed up offsite? Is there a plan in place for employees to work remotely if necessary? Making sure these questions are answered before disaster strikes can make the difference between quickly bouncing back or potentially going out of business entirely.Are you prepared if disaster strikes your business? Don't wait until it's too late - consider implementing a cloud-based phone system for...

Prior to 2020, hybrid work was relatively uncommon. In actuality, most employees had never experienced this way of working — or even dreamed that it was possible. But now, hybrid work has gone from the sidelines to the mainstream. A whopping 83% of employees prefer hybrid work over entirely in-office or remote work. And 74% of businesses that have not already implemented a hybrid working model plan on doing so in the near future.  As a result of this shift, businesses need to re-examine their telecommunications infrastructure and identify tools that drive — rather than block — hybrid work. And topping...

With spam call blockers on the rise, many legitimate companies are finding themselves unfairly targeted. For organizations that depend on phone calls for their success, there’s nothing worse than their business telephone number being flagged for spam. After all, it can be challenging to get your prospective clients to pick up at the best of times; if your caller ID is suggesting you could be a spam call, then it’ll be all the more difficult. If your calls are getting through, then sooner or later, your operations will begin to suffer. The growing number of call-blocking software and systems has had a...

Back in 1603, a principle of contract law emerged that shifted the responsibility for discovering defects from the seller to the buyer: Caveat Emptor. If your Latin is a little rusty, this translates as “Let the Buyer Beware.”   Fast forward about five centuries, and the principle of Caveat Emptor is very much alive and well for all kinds of transactions and purchases, including when it comes to switching to a digital phone company.   Basically, the advice — and frankly, the warning — to heed is that you must conduct your due diligence BEFORE you sign on the dotted line. Otherwise, your investment...

Before we look at how to MASSIVELY improve customer service with VoIP, let’s take a moment to reflect on an old saying in the business world that goes: “if you don’t take care of your customers…then someone else will.” And these days, this advice is more crucial than ever. Consider the following: 89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience. [source] 68% of consumers say that they would pay more for products/services from a company that offers good customer service. [source] Consumers who rate a company’s service as “good” are 38% more likely to recommend...

Nobody has a crystal ball, and even so-called “Business Pundits” who love going on TV and predicting the future are dialing back on their forecasts — because if the last couple of years has taught us anything, it’s that things can change rapidly. And that is exactly why thousands of businesses a year are switching from a rigid and costly conventional phone system, to a flexible, cost-effective, and scalable VoIP phone system.  Below, we highlight 5 key reasons why VoIP helps future-proof your business:   1. Instantly Equip Remote and Hybrid Workers with a Full-Featured Telecommunication System  Whether some of your employees are working...