
Research indicates that customers most dislike being placed on hold. A VoIP phone system can help address this issue by reducing or even eliminating hold times. This can be achieved through multiple strategies, including assigning unique phone numbers to all employees, using the auto-attendant feature to direct calls immediately, routing calls based on the time-of-day or day-of-week, utilizing the Presence feature to see real-time availability of colleagues, and integrating the system with other platforms like CRM. If holding is inevitable, custom music or messages can enhance the on-hold experience. VoIP thus significantly enhances customer service....

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) lets companies gauge how customers view them. It separates respondents into three categories: promoters, passives, and detractors. Unlike other performance indicators, NPS looks at overall customer sentiment, giving greater insight into customer satisfaction. NPS is a globally recognized benchmark measuring customer loyalty. It does not focus on satisfaction with a specific brand, service, or interaction. It does not focus on satisfaction with a specific brand, service, or interaction. However, any individual interaction impacts NPS as well. Many Fortune 1000 companies use Net Promoter Scores to measure customer satisfaction. This method determines the likelihood of customers leaving and...