
Cloud-based phone systems have been viewed as important and valuable for a while now. However, in the last few months with the coronavirus pandemic, this perception has evolved, and a growing number of businesses of all sizes — from startups to enterprises — now believe that cloud phone systems are essential. What is the reason for this mindset shift? It’s all about flexibility. We have entered the Era of Uncertainty, which means that the ability to adapt is arguably a business’s most vital core competence and competitive advantage. Cloud phone systems drive flexibility on several levels, including: Capacity Flexibility: With a...

First things first: we all know that customers don’t like being placed on hold, and some of them downright hate it. But what you may not know is WHY customers find this experience so dreadful. As with many things in life, this reaction has less to do with reality and more to do with perception.It’s All in the MindResearch has revealed that what rankles people so much about waiting on hold isn’t actually waiting: it’s that they have nothing to do, which makes them feel that they’re waiting much longer than they truly are. For example, a customer who is...

While there have been advances in the telephone industry over the years, the basic concept has not changed much for over a hundred years. However, in the 21st Century, a major shakeup in the business phone industry means you should seriously consider updating your business phone system....

One of the most important — and also the most loved — features of a cloud-based phone system is Auto-Attendant. Much more than an answering machine, Auto-Attendant is an automated, sophisticated, customizable, and VERY easy-to-use virtual receptionist.Key Benefits Here are some benefits of Auto-Attendant that will make your team wonder how they managed without it:Answer calls with a professional and customized company greeting. You’ll never miss a call again, even during busy times and after hours.Route incoming calls based on business hours, date, date range, or specific caller ID. For example, you can automatically direct calls from a key supplier...

When you’re hosting a party, the acronym that fills your heart with joy is “BYOB,” which stands for “Bring Your Own Beer” (or other preferred adult beverage). But if your company is planning on upgrading to a cloud phone system, there’s a different acronym that is even more worthy of your love: BYOD.BYOD stands for “bring your own device,” and it allows your company to enjoy three massive advantages:1. If you have pre-existing compatible phones, routers, and POE switches, then you can integrate these into the cloud phone system. This will save you a significant amount of money and time,...

As we emerge from the COVID-19 lockdown, millions of people are preparing to return to the corporate office (and many have already started the migration). However, we are likely to see a significant shift in the workplace landscape: the popularity of hot desking.What is Hot-Desking? Hot desking refers to a layout in which employees don’t have assigned workstations or offices. Instead, when they’re in the corporate environment (as opposed to their home office), they simply sit at any available desk and start working. It’s similar to hotel business centers or shared workspaces like WeWork, Impact Hub, etc.Post-Conavirus Hot-DeskingBefore the pandemic,...

On the educational landscape, typically students fear getting an “F” on an assignment or test. However, an eye-opening new study reveals that most school districts around the country are not making the grade during the coronavirus pandemic.The study carried out by the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CPRE), looked at the policies of 477 school systems across the U.S. and discovered that only 33% of districts expected teachers to remotely provide instruction, track student engagement, and monitor academic progress for all students. The gap was especially pronounced in economically disadvantaged communities. As the study’s lead researchers soberly concluded:“This spring, it...

As businesses worldwide begin coming out of their coronavirus induced hibernation, the world is a very different place. Having a plan for reopening your business is imperative. Also critical is having a plan to communicate with your customers what to expect. Even before they walk in your door, your customers are faced with a laundry list of do's and don’ts. They must be made aware of any services you may have (temporarily) modified or discontinued as well as precautions you are taking and procedures they must adhere to.It’s not enough to make sure your business has taken the necessary steps...

Learning from our own mistakes is smart. But learning from the mistakes of others is wise — and also a heck of a lot less painful, tragic, awful…you get the picture. If your business has decided to switch from your conventional landline phone system to a cloud phone system, here is the biggest and costliest mistake that others have made, but that you can wisely avoid: underestimating the importance of OUTSTANDING SERVICE. Don't ignore factors like features, functionality, scalability, and price. But without a doubt, service is going to determine more than anything else whether your investment will be rewarding or regrettable. What...

Cloud migrations have been increasing rapidly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, companies have been moving more data, services, and applications to the cloud as a means to become more streamlined and productive. Businesses migrating information to the cloud is not a new trend. The move toward cloud adoption, however, has been picking up steam during the worldwide lockdown with some interesting results:A major shift to remote workingReduction in capital investmentInnovative business models adapting to a major shift in consumer habitsWelcome to the CloudWorldwide demand for cloud services is swelling as more people have shifted to telework and...