Anyone who has worked “behind the scenes” in a school environment knows that efficient and effective communications are vital. Below we highlight 5 ways that SMS alerts (a.k.a. text messages) greatly improve school communications, and make things substantially better for students, staff, and parents alike. 1. Using SMS Alerts During Emergencies The number one priority for schools is to ensure safety. SMS alerts instantly notify key individuals or groups — such as school leadership, staff, and/or parents — of hazardous or potentially hazardous scenarios (e.g. outbreak of E. coli in the cafeteria, inclement weather, unauthorized intruder on school grounds, etc.).  Follow-up SMS alerts...

To say that the last couple of years has been difficult for many people across our great country, and around the world, is an enormous understatement. And sometimes, it can be quite difficult to focus on the good vs. getting overwhelmed by the bad. But it has been my experience that these are precisely the times when we need to dig deeper, and truly appreciate all that we have to be thankful for. To put this another way: when everything is going fine, it is easy to be grateful. But when times are tough, being grateful takes effort and character. Here are...

Years ago, the jingle for a popular ad campaign from Bell Telephone urged people to: “Reach out and touch someone.” Fast-forward a few decades, and this recommendation no longer applies because today’s customers don’t want phone calls. They want text messages! Research has found that U.S. customers far prefer texting to other communication channels, including phone and email.  63% said they would switch to a company that offered text messages.  Why is text messaging so popular with customers in both the B2C and B2B spaces? Below, we highlight 7 key reasons why businesses of all sizes should make it a top priority...

When a business grows, so too will its requirements for infrastructure like telephone systems. The traditional way to provide phone services in an office environment, for example, is with a traditional PBX (private branch exchange) setup. Such setups are usually very expensive, inflexible, and complicated to install and administer. These days, a better solution is to use a hosted phone system (sometimes known as a virtual PBX). If you’re new to a hosted phone system, the following will explain more about them and how your organization could benefit: What Is a Hosted Phone System? A hosted phone system is a virtual PBX that operates...

A growing number of clinics, hospitals, and health networks are embracing text messaging (SMS/MMS) as a vital communication channel. Below, we highlight seven text messaging benefits in the healthcare industry: Text Messaging Benefits in Healthcare #1: Texting Closes the Provider-Patient Gap A recent survey found that 4 in 10 Americans are afraid of visiting their doctor’s office during the pandemic. Text messaging helps re-establish the vital — and in some cases life-saving — connection between patients and physicians (as well as all other healthcare providers).   Text Messaging Benefits in Healthcare #2: Texting Improves Staff Efficiency & Productivity Generally, texting is far more efficient for...

The big thing in movies and TV shows these days is heroes who have special powers like flying, spinning webs, changing shape, and so on. Sure, this kind of escapism is entertaining. But the real heroes among us do not wear capes or “leap tall buildings in a single bound.” They are brave and patriotic men and women whose love for our country has inspired them to serve in the Armed Forces. Whether they are stationed at home or abroad, these individuals are putting their lives on the line — because if our country is threatened or experiences an attack, they will...

Digital faxing (a.k.a. e-faxing and cloud faxing) is not just alive and well, but it is growing in popularity — particularly in the healthcare, legal, government, telecommunication, and education fields where hand-written initials and signatures are still the norm.  What is behind the surge in digital faxing? These  10 key benefits:   1. Affordability Digital faxing is much more affordable than conventional faxing. Getting rid of an old copper line reduces costs by $20-$30 a month (and in some cases more). Plus, purchasing a business-grade fax machine can easily cost around $300, and on top of this, there are ongoing toner/inkjet, maintenance,...

There are some solutions on the business landscape that are not just beneficial, but they are fundamentally transformative — and switching to VoIP phone service is definitely on this list!  Below we highlight 5 game-changing benefits of VoIP phone service: 1. VoIP Phone Service Unleashes Total Mobility  With a conventional landline phone system, employees need to juggle multiple phones - each with a different number: the corporate office phone, their home office phone, and their personally-owned smartphone (and in some cases, a corporately-supplied smartphone as well). Not only is this tedious, but it leads to frustrated colleagues and angry customers who never know the...