One of the most beneficial aspects of a cloud telephone system, is that employees and all other authorized system users (e.g. consultants, contractors, remote workers, etc.) can easily make calls in not just one, but four different ways:IP Phone An IP phone (sometimes called a VoIP phone) is designed for placing and transmitting calls over an IP network, instead of a conventional landline public switched telephone network (PSTN). Among the most popular, trusted and recommended IP phones are those in the Yealink T5 Media Phone series.Installing an IP phone is extremely simple. Simply turn them on, plug them in, and that’s...

What do Apple, Amazon, Disney and Google have in common? Yes, they’re massive multinational enterprises that employ hundreds of thousands of people, including an army of accountants to keep track of their billions in annual revenues and profits. But there’s something else that these companies have in common that is the stuff of entrepreneurial legend: they were all born in a garage.If you’re at the helm of a dynamic new startup, it’s important to dream big. After all, if Apple, Amazon, Disney and Google can go from concept to unicorn, why not your company? Yet at the same time, it’s...

We’re all familiar with the wisdom that “you get what you pay for.” Frankly, there probably isn’t anyone out there who hasn’t learned this lesson the hard way, whether the situation involved a car repair, home improvement project, and the list goes on.Sometimes, we even KNOW that we’re headed towards disaster, but we just can’t help ourselves. We silence that little voice in our heads that says: “Are you seriously going to do this again?” Alas, we end up spending more money, wasting more time, and suffering more stress. So basically, we hit the trifecta of purchase-related misery. However, there is...

[caption id="attachment_4210" align="alignleft" width="150"] Nicky Smith, Founder and CEO[/caption]A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog to celebrate what is probably my favorite day of the year: the Fourth of July. Since then, I’ve received some nice feedback from our customers and partners, and I wanted to say thank you. Patriotism is about principles and pride, and it runs very deep in our company.And that brings me to another topic that has come up over the years that is along the same theme: why our customer support has always been —and always will be —based in the U.S. instead of outsourced...

Ask anyone who works in (or volunteers for) a non-profit organization (NPO) what they need more than anything else to fulfill their life-changing — and in some cases, life-saving — mandate, and they’ll basically give you the same answer in a variety of ways: THEY NEED MORE TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES.NPOs: Not Just Important -- but EssentialThe notion that nonprofit organizations don’t need the same advanced tools as private businesses is simply not true. In fact, it’s arguable that nonprofit organizations need technology resources even more urgently, because so many people in the community are counting on them each day. That’s a...

Sometimes on the business landscape, there are ideas that at first thought — and often second and third thought as well — seem like impractical fantasies instead of viable strategies. No, we’re not talking about providing free coffee or ultra-fast wifi — which according to some employees should be enshrined in the Constitution. We’re talking about unlimited vacation policies.In theory, an unlimited vacation policy isn’t truly unlimited; kind of like an all-you-can-eat buffet really isn’t all-you-can-eat (at some point, diminishing marginal returns kick in and one more scoop of mac and cheese could lead to a 911 call). Basically, an unlimited...

July 15-17, 2018: is sponsoring the Sunday Night Reception and exhibiting at Sunset Beach NC for the North Carolina Association for Public Charter Schools annual conference this week. Today’s Public Charter Schools and government agencies face increasing pressure to be more efficient, more cost-effective and more innovative. And that’s where our cloud-based telephone services make the difference! [caption id="attachment_4244" align="alignright" width="300"] Sunset Beach NC for the North Carolina Association for Public Charter Schools[/caption]Charter schools are independently-operated public schools that have the freedom to design classrooms that meet their students’ needs. All charter schools operate under a contract with a charter school...

We’re all familiar with the phrase “Google is your friend.” It’s what we say when someone has a question that could easily be answered by a quick Google search — everything from up-to-the-second baseball scores, to Tom Keen’s real job on “The Blacklist” (BTW he’s a covert operative).However, sometimes Google isn’t much of a friend. And for proof, all you need to do is ask businesses that have tried — and failed — to use Google Voice as their VoIP business phone system solution.What is Google Voice?Google Voice is Google’s cloud-based telephony platform that provides call forwarding, text, voicemail and...

Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you fall — or maybe you think the best political party is no party at all — we can all agree that if there’s one thing we should learn from what’s happening in Washington, D.C., it’s that you can’t trust everything you hear or read.Of course, “fake news” isn’t a new idea. It’s been around for decades (or make that centuries). And it’s certainly not limited to politicians, commentators, and talking heads. Some businesses have made plenty of money generating fake news. Take for example the myths, half-truths and outright lies that...