One of the most important — and also the most loved — features of a cloud-based phone system is Auto-Attendant. Much more than an answering machine, Auto-Attendant is an automated, sophisticated, customizable, and VERY easy-to-use virtual receptionist.Key Benefits Here are some benefits of Auto-Attendant that will make your team wonder how they managed without it:Answer calls with a professional and customized company greeting. You’ll never miss a call again, even during busy times and after hours.Route incoming calls based on business hours, date, date range, or specific caller ID. For example, you can automatically direct calls from a key supplier...

When you’re hosting a party, the acronym that fills your heart with joy is “BYOB,” which stands for “Bring Your Own Beer” (or other preferred adult beverage). But if your company is planning on upgrading to a cloud phone system, there’s a different acronym that is even more worthy of your love: BYOD.BYOD stands for “bring your own device,” and it allows your company to enjoy three massive advantages:1. If you have pre-existing compatible phones, routers, and POE switches, then you can integrate these into the cloud phone system. This will save you a significant amount of money and time,...

Since the beginning of recorded history, communication has been an essential part of everyday life. From individuals to major corporations, hospitals, and schools, being able to share information is critical. But we’ve come a long way since cave drawings, the adaption of the modern alphabet, and smoke signals.A communications revolution began with the invention of the telegraph in the 1840s and the telephone around 1876. It wasn’t until well into the 20th century that we began to move away from the analog telephone. With the creation of ARPANET in 1969 and the internet in the 1970s, a new communications era...

Cloud migrations have been increasing rapidly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, companies have been moving more data, services, and applications to the cloud as a means to become more streamlined and productive. Businesses migrating information to the cloud is not a new trend. The move toward cloud adoption, however, has been picking up steam during the worldwide lockdown with some interesting results:A major shift to remote workingReduction in capital investmentInnovative business models adapting to a major shift in consumer habitsWelcome to the CloudWorldwide demand for cloud services is swelling as more people have shifted to telework and...

Many municipalities were caught off-guard when the COVID-19 pandemic required them to make a swift change to remote work. Businesses at all levels, but particularly in local government, were forced to address a host of concerns from a shortage of secure infrastructure and increased risks of cyber-attacks to untrained staff managing critical information without the help of their IT team. Let’s take a look:InfrastructureWithout pre-planning for a teleworking-friendly structure, many offices were ill-prepared for the stay-at-home orders at the outset of the pandemic. Lacking reliable communication and collaboration tools like VoIP or a committed hosting platform, many didn’t even have...

Will your morning commute from home to the office be forever replaced with a bleary-eyed stroll from the bedroom to the kitchen in your fuzzy slippers? Maybe -- the COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to rethink how to manage their employees and remain productive, and a physical office setting isn’t a necessity anymore.   Notable employers like Twitter and Facebook are giving notice to workers that they will be able to work from home permanently. Others, like Barclays and Nationwide, have announced intentions to reduce their office space. “We’ve been investing in our technological capabilities for years, and those investments really paid...

There is growing — but cautious — optimism that the very worst of the coronavirus pandemic is behind us, and we can start looking forward to a summer filled with fishing, golf, barbecues with family and friends, and other things that make life worth living. And speaking of inspiring news, here are 10 great things that you may not know about our softphone app: It is offered FREE to all of our valued customers. There is no additional charge of any kind. It is available for iOS and Android devices (smartphones and tablets). It installs quickly, and the streamlined clutter-free interface...

As the world advances toward reopening from the COVID-19 pandemic, your business needs to be prepared. Carolina Digital Phones has solutions to your communication needs through our dependable, affordable Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone services. Our partners at AT&T IoT (Internet of Things) are preparing integrated solutions for businesses with public spaces in need of real-time monitoring of body temperature through Thermal Analytics. In the new economy, being able to monitor a large number of people without bringing your company to a halt will ensure your business or institution runs smoothly without major bottlenecks or delays. Being able to adapt...

In today’s current climate, video conference security has become more important than ever before. More people are remote working in light of the coronavirus lockdown. Getting used to remote working isn’t easy. You need to get your routine figured out and you need to get used to the different tools you will be using while working from home. It’s a big shift! And, this is represented effectively when it comes to the different statistics out there in regards to collaboration tools and the usage of online video context. Let’s take a look at the case of Zoom...

A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts traffic between a device (e.g. computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone) and a network. Since hackers don’t have the encryption key, they can’t snoop and steal data. That’s the good news. The bad news is that because millions of people are working from home right now due to the coronavirus pandemic, VPNs are getting overloaded with traffic. Reports show that the global use of some VPNs has increased by 165 percent since March 11. This is causing some remote workers to experience sluggish data connectivity speeds, which is making it frustrating (and sometimes impossible) to participate...