
Are you still using your legacy phone system? Many businesses today are. We spend our days communicating with clients, suppliers, customers and investors over email, using online chat, and on the telephone. While in 2018 less than 50% of Americans had a landline phone at home, instead preferring to be wireless, using their smartphones for communication, most small businesses are still reliant on old fashioned, outdated and often costly legacy phone systems.These outdated systems can mean that you are missing important calls, facing static on the line, and other issues that really should be behind us as we move into...

What do you think of, when you think of the titular ‘salesperson’ achieving success and sweet-talking his or her clients? We might see a person with a certain kind of stride, an overconfident kind of swagger, a smooth vocabulary with many imperative phrases that incentivize a sale. This might look very impressive to those hoping to walk in those career-oriented shoes. But for others, especially those who are tired of being upsold and treated like a point of sale rather than a person, a salesperson may have that smarmy aura about them that we come to thoroughly dislike. Of course, salespeople...

As a new year approaches, it’s time to relax, unwind, spend time with family and friends — and of course, make some New Year’s Resolutions that inspire us to make some positive changes in the year ahead.However, New Year’s Resolutions aren’t just for personal aspirations. They’re also for business goals. With this in mind, here are four New Year’s Resolutions for your business in 2020:  #1: In 2020, resolve to significantly lower overhead costs.  Cutting costs in your business — but without compromising quality assurance, diminishing customer experience or reducing sales — is even better than winning the lottery or hitting the...

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2019, let’s gaze into our crystal ball and look at 5 VoIP predictions for the year ahead:Prediction #1: A record number of SMBs will cut the cord and switch to a hosted VoIP phone system.Over the last several years, SMBs have been switching in droves from an on-premise phone system to a hosted VoIP phone system. In 2020, we expect the velocity to increase given the undeniable advantages that include generating ongoing cost savings, scalability, flexibility, supporting remote workers, improving customer experience (CX), using advanced calling features, and accessing future-proofed technology.Prediction #2:...

Picture the scene, a successful North Carolina based business owner wants to add some new features to her existing phone service. Her clients expect to be able to get in touch with her whenever they need to, so all she wants is out of hours call handling and calls to be forwarded to her cellphone. These services mean that she can keep her business moving and functioning to the best of its ability. Hardly a tall ask you may say. After all, she is a customer with a company that has needs.And after what seems like days on hold listening...

Recently, we published an article highlighting the unfortunate fact that North State is being acquired by Segra. Why “unfortunate”? Because not only do we expect to see many hard working and loyal North State employees get laid off in the coming months, but also because this is probably going to be bad news for North State’s customers in High Point, Thomasville, Archdale, Randleman, Jamestown, Trinity, Greensboro and Kernersville. We expect they will lose the “small business” relationship and dynamic they had with North State once the acquisition is complete (and probably well before that). In light of this development, we thought it...

A hosted cloud-based VoIP system or hosted PBX services provide many significant advantages over the purchase or use of a traditional telephone system because they furnish advanced telephone system features as a service over the internet. Many of those advanced features are expensive to deploy as part of a telephone system. Hosted PBX service is delivered with equipment located on the premises of the provider. This means a business does not need to invest in a telephone system to take advantage of its rich features and capabilities. In most cases, only phones will need to be purchased or leased which...

Why North State’s Merger with Segra is Great News for Shareholders — but Probably Awful News for Workers and Customers On December 9th, High Point, NC-based North State Telecommunications Corp. announced that it has agreed to merge with a subsidiary of MTN Infrastructure TopCo, Inc., which together with its other subsidiaries does business as Segra. This seems to be a classic case of a small, family-owned business selling to a much larger enterprise. As usual, there is a financial story, a worker story, and a customer story. The Financial Story: “We’re in the Money!” Charlotte, NC-based Segra has agreed to pay $80 in...

Most small businesses are looking for ways to save money or reduce costs. Even those that are doing well, are keen to spend money wisely and never want to spend more than they need to. One significant expense that you might wonder if you could do without is your office phone system. A PBX phone system, on average, will cost between $800 and $1000 per user. These are the most popular choice for businesses that have over 40 employees, with different departments and offices, which need multiple lines and the ability to direct calls accordingly.A key system is often used...

Driven by strong economic growth, rising equity markets, and an increase in auditing, regulatory and compliance burden, the U.S. accounting industry is booming. According to research by IBISWorld, over 95,000 accounting organizations employ nearly 560,000 people, and generate over $114 billion in annual revenues.Industry DisruptionAt the same time, the accounting industry is under relentless pressure — from within and without — to adapt to an array of factors. As noted by Forbes: “Fee pressures, rising staff labor costs, and lack of quality staff will force [accounting] firms to carefully examine their mix of services, industry concentrations, and their positioning in...