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Blogs, Insights, and Announcements from Carolina Digital Phone

Happy New Year from Nicky Smith
Nicky Smith

Happy New Year from Nicky Smith, President of Carolina Digital Phone

Here we are at the beginning of a brand new year full of possibilities. It’s a fresh start, a clean slate, and an opportunity to turn an ordinary year into an extraordinary one.  And of course, this is also when we make New Year’s Resolutions. And so, on behalf of everyone at Carolina Digital Phone, in 2022 we resolve: To continue delivering the industry’s BEST LOCAL CUSTOMER SERVICE. Some companies merely “go an extra mile.” We go an extra marathon!  To ALWAYS have US-based Customer Service Specialists. We never wavered from this pledge, and we never will.  To stay on

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Nicky Smith with a special holiday message
Nicky Smith

A Special Holiday Message from Nicky Smith, President of Carolina Digital Phone

Our world is getting more and more complicated. Consider this: it is estimated that until 1900, human knowledge doubled once every 100 years. Then by 1945, it doubled every 25 years. And by 1982, it doubled every year. Now, experts are saying that knowledge doubles EVERY 12 HOURS. Why do I bring this up? Because as the holidays quickly approach, I urge you to take a break from the complexity and “noise” out there, and reflect on the SIMPLE and TRUE things that make life such a joyful journey.  I am reminded of the lyrics to the classic song Happy

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teacher using school communications
Nicky Smith

4 Ways to Improve Your School Communications

While effective communication is important in all industries and organizations, it is especially crucial in the education sector, which continues to face unprecedented challenges and pressures in the age of coronavirus. Below, we highlight four ways to dramatically yet cost-effectively improve your school communications: #1: Improve School Communications with a Cloud Phone System  A cloud phone system is vastly superior to a conventional landline phone system. Key advantages include: Significant cost savings: minimal up-front CapEx costs, no ongoing maintenance or technical support expenses, no domestic long-distance fees, and no need to replace the phone system every few years.   Mobile apps

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teacher using video conferencing for schools
Nicky Smith

Video Conferencing for Schools: 7 Key Things to Look For

The pandemic has shifted remote working, remote communications, and remote learning from the sidelines into the mainstream. As a result, stakeholders in the educational sector — such as Superintendents, Principals, IT Directors, Board Members, and Teachers — are looking for guidance regarding video conferencing for schools.  To help decision-makers identify the right solution for their current and future needs,  below we list seven key things to look for when choosing video conferencing for schools: 1. 100% Browser-Based With browser-based solutions, hosts and participants do not have to download and install software — which can be a real headache and hassle

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coffee shop desk
Nicky Smith

A Guide to Managing Your Remote Workers

In the current times, many businesses and institutions have implemented remote working. Although many companies already offered the opportunity to their employees to work remotely from their homes before the virus, now more people are having to do it with the international lockdown. But by separating remote workers and having to deal with the challenges of working remotely from home, how are businesses keeping up? Fortunately, there are steps that business owners, managers, and other senior staff can make. Ensuring that engagement and productivity are still at the core of each employee’s everyday routine, guarantees that there is little to

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delivery man using business messaging
Nicky Smith

Business Messaging: 5 Powerful Reasons Why it’s Essential vs. Optional

Business messaging through text, MMS and SMS is no longer an optional nice-to-have option. It is now an essential requirement. Here are 5 powerful reasons why:   1. Customers Are VERY Open to Receiving Business Messaging A whopping 97% of Americans own at least one smartphone, and on average they check their device 96 times a day. What’s more, 91% of customers said they have or are interested in signing up for text messages from a business, and text message open rates are nearly 100%. On the other end of the spectrum, 90% of customers won’t answer their phone when a

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sms alerts for school communications
Nicky Smith

5 Ways that SMS Alerts Improve School Communications

Anyone who has worked “behind the scenes” in a school environment knows that efficient and effective communications are vital. Below we highlight 5 ways that SMS alerts (a.k.a. text messages) greatly improve school communications, and make things substantially better for students, staff, and parents alike. 1. Using SMS Alerts During Emergencies The number one priority for schools is to ensure safety. SMS alerts instantly notify key individuals or groups — such as school leadership, staff, and/or parents — of hazardous or potentially hazardous scenarios (e.g. outbreak of E. coli in the cafeteria, inclement weather, unauthorized intruder on school grounds, etc.). 

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Nicky Smith

Thanksgiving Message from Nicky Smith, President of Carolina Digital Phone

To say that the last couple of years has been difficult for many people across our great country, and around the world, is an enormous understatement. And sometimes, it can be quite difficult to focus on the good vs. getting overwhelmed by the bad. But it has been my experience that these are precisely the times when we need to dig deeper, and truly appreciate all that we have to be thankful for. To put this another way: when everything is going fine, it is easy to be grateful. But when times are tough, being grateful takes effort and character.

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7 Reasons Why Your Customers Want Text Messages
Nicky Smith

7 Reasons Why Your Customers Want Text Messages

Years ago, the jingle for a popular ad campaign from Bell Telephone urged people to: “Reach out and touch someone.” Fast-forward a few decades, and this recommendation no longer applies because today’s customers don’t want phone calls. They want text messages! Research has found that U.S. customers far prefer texting to other communication channels, including phone and email.  63% said they would switch to a company that offered text messages.  Why is text messaging so popular with customers in both the B2C and B2B spaces? Below, we highlight 7 key reasons why businesses of all sizes should make it a

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woman using a hosted phone system
Nicky Smith

Hosted Phone System: Features, Benefits, Pros & Cons

When a business grows, so too will its requirements for infrastructure like telephone systems. The traditional way to provide phone services in an office environment, for example, is with a traditional PBX (private branch exchange) setup. Such setups are usually very expensive, inflexible, and complicated to install and administer. These days, a better solution is to use a hosted phone system (sometimes known as a virtual PBX). If you’re new to a hosted phone system, the following will explain more about them and how your organization could benefit: What Is a Hosted Phone System? A hosted phone system is a

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nurse using text messaging benefits
Nicky Smith

7 Text Messaging Benefits in the Healthcare Industry

A growing number of clinics, hospitals, and health networks are embracing text messaging (SMS/MMS) as a vital communication channel. Below, we highlight seven text messaging benefits in the healthcare industry: Text Messaging Benefits in Healthcare #1: Texting Closes the Provider-Patient Gap A recent survey found that 4 in 10 Americans are afraid of visiting their doctor’s office during the pandemic. Text messaging helps re-establish the vital — and in some cases life-saving — connection between patients and physicians (as well as all other healthcare providers).   Text Messaging Benefits in Healthcare #2: Texting Improves Staff Efficiency & Productivity Generally, texting is

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Nicky Smith

A Salute to Our Heroes this Veterans Day

The big thing in movies and TV shows these days is heroes who have special powers like flying, spinning webs, changing shape, and so on. Sure, this kind of escapism is entertaining. But the real heroes among us do not wear capes or “leap tall buildings in a single bound.” They are brave and patriotic men and women whose love for our country has inspired them to serve in the Armed Forces. Whether they are stationed at home or abroad, these individuals are putting their lives on the line — because if our country is threatened or experiences an attack,

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digital faxing
Eric Lyon

10 Key Benefits of Digital Faxing

Digital faxing (a.k.a. e-faxing and cloud faxing) is not just alive and well, but it is growing in popularity — particularly in the healthcare, legal, government, telecommunication, and education fields where hand-written initials and signatures are still the norm.  What is behind the surge in digital faxing? These  10 key benefits:   1. Affordability Digital faxing is much more affordable than conventional faxing. Getting rid of an old copper line reduces costs by $20-$30 a month (and in some cases more). Plus, purchasing a business-grade fax machine can easily cost around $300, and on top of this, there are ongoing toner/inkjet,

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VoIP phone service
Nicky Smith

5 Game-Changing Benefits of VoIP Phone Service

There are some solutions on the business landscape that are not just beneficial, but they are fundamentally transformative — and switching to VoIP phone service is definitely on this list!  Below we highlight 5 game-changing benefits of VoIP phone service: 1. VoIP Phone Service Unleashes Total Mobility  With a conventional landline phone system, employees need to juggle multiple phones – each with a different number: the corporate office phone, their home office phone, and their personally-owned smartphone (and in some cases, a corporately-supplied smartphone as well). Not only is this tedious, but it leads to frustrated colleagues and angry customers who

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person enjoying text marketing
Nicky Smith

7 Key Benefits of Text Marketing — and How We Can Help!

If your business is not taking full advantage of text marketing — SMS and MMS marketing — then you are missing out. This is a massive opportunity to drive customer engagement, acquisition, and sales. Consider these eye-opening statistics: 69% of customers want the ability to contact a business through text messaging.   Customers are 4.5x more likely to reply to text messages than emails. 12.9% of customers are more likely to support businesses that offer text-back capabilities.   And just in case you think that “texting is obsolete” — think again. 50% of people sent more texts during the pandemic. Additionally, due

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woman using a remote work solution
Nicky Smith

5 Reasons Why a Cloud Phone System is an All-in-One Remote Work Solution

As we emerge from the pandemic, we can see that some things are never going to be the same again. But that doesn’t mean they will be worse. On the contrary, they will be BETTER! And if you ask employees and employers across the country about the “pandemic’s silver linings,” you’ll hear the same thing over and over: the rise of a remote work solution.  Indeed, employees love remote working because they avoid a tedious and costly commute, and have more time to achieve work-life balance. And employers love remote working because it reduces overhead costs, and lets them recruit

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man using easy video conferencing
Nicky Smith

Want Easy Video Conferencing in Your Business? Then Get a Browser-Based Solution!

Video conferencing has been steadily growing in popularity for years, but the pandemic massively accelerated adoption across all sectors and industries. Consider these statistics: The size of the video conferencing market surged 500% in the first two months of the pandemic. (Source: TrustRadius) The global video conferencing market is projected to grow from $6.28 billion in 2021 to $12.99 billion in 2028 — which is a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 10.9% during the forecast period. (Source: Fortune Business Insights) 79% of workers believe that video conferencing is at the same level, or is more productive, than in-person meetings.

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man holding a cloud-based phone system
Nicky Smith

3 Powerful Reasons to Switch to a Cloud-Based Phone System

If your organization is exploring the possibility of switching to a cloud-based phone system, then we cannot give you a single powerful reason to do so. Instead, we can give you THREE powerful reasons: Reason #1: You Will Reach a Whole New Level of Mobility & Agility Thanks to a Cloud-Based Phone System    We all hope that we never have to see another lockdown. However, there is a realistic possibility that we may face them again — in one form or another — sooner rather than later. And even if we avoid that risk, there are other, more traditional reasons

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man using a video conferencing solution
Nicky Smith

Video Conferencing Solution: 7 Undeniable Reasons Why Your Business Needs One

Before the term “COVID-19” entered the vocabulary, a video conferencing solution was largely viewed as a nice-to-have. But now, as we shift into the post-pandemic world that is dominated by remote working, a video conferencing solution is no longer optional. It is essential for ALL businesses, including mid-sized firms and SMBs that aim to thrive in the new normal. The video conferencing market increased by 500% in the first two months of the pandemic. The overall size of the video conferencing market is expected to surpass a whopping $50 billion by 2026. Below, we highlight 7 undeniable reasons why your

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empty office - is your office phone prepared
Nicky Smith

Is Your Office Phone System Prepared for Another Lockdown?

The latest dispatch from the pandemic front brings some good news, and some bad news.   The good news is that despite yet another surge of cases and hospitalizations —  this time driven by the Delta variant — there is no official plan to enter into another lockdown. But the bad news is that the White House recently stated that “in all probability” there will be guidelines and restrictions issued in the weeks and months ahead. Unfortunately, we all know from experience that “in all probability” is political-speak for “it’s going to happen.”  This begs a vital question for business owners

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urgent - fcc emergency connectivity fund
Neil Matson

Claim Your Share of the FCC’s $7.17 Billion Emergency Connectivity Fund

The Federal Communications Commission recently announced the $7.17 billion Emergency Connectivity Fund Program generating an overwhelming response. That demand, combined with the recent spike in coronavirus cases, has prompted them to announce a second application filing window. The funds are being made available to schools and libraries to request funding for connected devices and broadband connections for off-campus use by students, school staff, and library patrons for the current 2021-22 school year. “The Emergency Connectivity Fund is the single largest effort to bring connectivity and devices to students who lack them.” according to acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. “The need is

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people working on their workplace communication
Nicky Smith

Workplace Communication: 5 Best Practices that Lead to Dramatic Improvements

Saying that effective workplace communication is important is like saying water is wet, fire is hot, or that people with small children will repeatedly, and painfully, step on Legos many, many times. These are all blatantly self-evident (especially the Lego one).  However, just because everyone knows that effective workplace communication is important, does NOT mean that it’s happening everywhere. Consider these statistics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kHkr5HrG-A 28% of employees cite ineffective communication as the number one reason why they cannot deliver work on time. 86% of employees and executives believe that ineffective communication is the core reason for workplace failures. Ineffective communication costs

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man doing hybrid work
Nicky Smith

3 Essential Rules to Get Hybrid Work Right

Across the country, organizations from small businesses to large enterprises are experiencing hybrid work for the first time. And just like experiments in a laboratory, sometimes the results are amazing. Other times they are disappointing (and occasionally, they are flat-out disasters). The first thing we should note is that hybrid work — which is when workers spend part of the week in their home office, and part of the week in the corporate office — is here to stay. Now that workers have shown that it is not just viable but a positive change for many, a survey has found

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open sign
Neil Matson

The Dangers of Accepting “The New Normal”

The Dangers of Accepting the “New Normal” January 2020 seems like a lifetime ago for many of us. For business owners, it may feel like a good deal longer. But that’s the last time many of us can remember operating under normal parameters before COVID-19 changed everything. For months we’ve had to cope with crippling uncertainty and ulcer-inducing anxiety. They’ve had to adjust to a state of affairs that’s terrifyingly referred to as “The New Normal”. A state of affairs that’s anathema to the tireless entrepreneur. Business owners from all walks of life have had to make sweeping operational changes

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Neil Matson

Side by Side Comparison – Carolina Digital Phone vs Zultys

If you have questions about choosing between Carolina Digital Phone and Zultys, we have the answers. We have put together the important information you will need to compare and make the right choice. Let’s start by looking at some benefits. Benefits of Carolina Digital Phone The benefits of choosing to go with Carolina Digital Phone are many. To start with, you get a dial-by-name directory, an intro greeting, and even a post-welcome greeting too. For conferences, you have leader login options with the chance of being able to reject anonymous calls. Calling line ID blocking is also another welcome feature,

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Nicky Smith

Calls Labeled as Potential SPAM or Being Blocked?

Are your outbound calls being labeled as SPAM or being Blocked by a carrier?  If so, read this. Multiple companies provide analytics, each with its own tracking and radar systems. The FCC mandated a new system to authenticate calls with a certificate on every outbound call but has delayed the implementation of this new protocol for another year. The result is that the demand from users to block these unwanted calls has increased and many times causes your call to be blocked because it has been spoofed as a number that has been used by a robocall.  The first option is to

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Neil Matson

5 Small Business VoIP Features that ROCK

One of the biggest advantages of an all-in-one small business VoIP phone system vs. a landline phone system is features, features, and yet more features. You know the saying “it’s like being a kid in a candy store?” Well, employees who use a small business VoIP phone system for the very first time have the same experience. Within minutes, they go from “what does this feature do?” to “how on earth did we ever survive without this feature?” Here are five small business VoIP phone features that create plenty of enthusiasm and excitement — in other words: THEY ROCK!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYcFltwY0KE

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Business Phone App Features
Nicky Smith

Our Mobile App Extends Phone Service to Your Team

These days, workers spend much of their time away from their desks — and some of them never come into the office at all. Currently, 55% of workers telecommute full-time, and by the year 2020, this is expected to reach 72%. In fact, 48% of workers don’t even believe that traditional offices will exist by the year 2021! This means your company needs a cost-effective, reliable, scalable, and secure way to extend your telecommunications footprint beyond desks and offices — so that your team can be productive, efficient, and successful at all times. That is where our mobile app for

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queue callback - man on phone in line
Eric Lyon

GAME-CHANGER: Queue Callback Feature Dramatically Improves Customer Satisfaction

There are very few things that customers dislike more than being placed on hold. Research has found that 31% of customers will not wait on hold for more than five minutes.  Even worse, many of these unhappy customers are unlikely to come back and give a business a second chance. Separate research has found that after a single bad experience. Here at the facts to know when taking care of your customers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0JwZjg8oR0 58% of customers stopped buying from the business. 52% of customers switched to a different business for that particular product or service. 52% of customers told others

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the best business phone system
Nicky Smith

GUIDE: How to Choose the Best Business Phone System

Before we look at how to choose the best business phone system, let’s highlight why many businesses are frustrated with their current landline (i.e. on-site PBX) phone system:     High Up-Front Costs: Landline phone systems are very costly to purchase, install and maintain.    No Cost Certainty: Costs can fluctuate significantly from month-to-month, making budgeting and forecasting difficult and risky.    Lack of Scalability: If the maximum number of lines are in use, a replacement can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Lack of Business Continuity: A landline system uses a network design with a single point of failure. This means if part

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Neil Matson

“And now, the end is near…” for Cisco Unified Communications Manager v11.5

When it comes to updating software and hardware for either personal or business applications, not everyone makes it a priority to be the first on the block. After all, the rule of “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” serves most of us in our day-to-day lives. It only becomes a priority to replace our car, television, computer, and such when they are no longer functional for our needs or flat out stop working. One of those milestones is approaching for Cisco Unified Communication users. Cisco announced on November 30, 2020, the End-of-Life (EoL) timeline for their Version 11.5 Software

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purpose arrow pointing to new area
Nicky Smith

3 Ways that the Power of Prayer Sustains and Strengthens My Business

These days, you can talk to most people about catastrophes, disasters, calamities, and other terrible things, but mention the word “prayer” and the conversation often comes to a screeching halt. Some people call this political correctness. I call it misguided. The way I was raised and where I come from, prayer does not mean trying to force other people to believe certain things. It also does not mean judging and condemning people who believe differently, or who do not believe at all. Instead, prayer is about cultivating an intimate and essential relationship with God. A wonderful pastor advised me many

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frustrated woman working remotely
Nicky Smith

How a Cloud Phone System Solves 3 Problems of Working Remotely

The Era of Working Remotely has arrived — and it is here to stay! In the foreseeable future, hundreds of millions of employees will spend at least part of their week working from a home office. In fact, Gartner projects that a whopping 51% of global knowledge workers will be remote by the end of 2021 — up from 27% in 2019   This is great news for employees who can avoid the time, stress, and cost of commuting. However, it is not great news for some employers who are running into three problems related to working remotely.   Below, we highlight

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changes ahead sign - how COVID-19 changed the world
Neil Matson

How Covid-19 Changed the World

So, your business was humming along nicely. Then, all of a sudden, COVID-19 reared its ugly head and threw the world into a tizzy. Almost overnight, companies were scrambling to find solutions to run their business remotely. The idea of having your employees work remotely is not a new concept, nor is having your team work from home for various reasons like inclement weather, illness, or lack of daycare. We’ve all been there – your toddler is sick and you need to stay at home with them. Or, you live in the south and there is a light dusting of

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working using a virtual phone system
Nicky Smith

8 Massive Benefits of Working Remotely with a Virtual Phone System

The pandemic has ushered into a new era of remote working. Until early 2020, remote working was generally viewed as an optional perk. But since then, it has shifted into a fundamental necessity. A survey found that 40% of remote workers would consider quitting if forced to return to the office fulltime. In response to this change in work habits, organizations of all sizes and across all sectors —private, public, and non-profit — have pivoted towards tools and technologies that enhance remote work by making it more efficient and productive; and at the same time, boost remote worker engagement and

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man surprised with his business phone service
Neil Matson

4 Surprising Features in Our Cloud Business Phone Service (Hint: They Have Nothing to Do with Phone Calls!)

Surprises come in two versions. There is the “wow, how exciting and wonderful!” variety. And then there is the “oh please let this be a bad dream that I’m about to wake up from!” kind (otherwise known as the “birthday party from hell”).  Well, here at Carolina Digital Phone we are all about giving our customers delightful surprises. We are pleased to highlight four surprising features that are included in our all-in-one cloud business phone service. Why are they “surprising”? Because they have nothing to do with making and receiving phone calls, and because they are 100% free! Surprising Cloud

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woamn using a small business phone system
Nicky Smith

Why Switching to a VoIP Small Business Phone System is a HUGE Money Saver

While some larger organizations can afford to waste money (at least for a little while), most small businesses do not have much margin for error. This is why a small business phone system is vital! If they fail to keep a close eye on the bottom line, then they eventually will fold. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Approximately 20 percent of small businesses fail within 12 months of launching. A further 10 percent disappear within 24 months. Another 20 percent are gone within 36 months. Yet another 20 percent bid farewell within 60 months. By the end of

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Nicky Smith

Is Hosted VoIP Right for your Business?

If you are planning on upgrading your business phone system you have surely come across hosted VoIP. What exactly is it, and how can your company benefit from a hosted VoIP from Carolina Digital Phone? Voice over Internet Protocol, known as VoIP, converts phone calls into a series of data packets and transmits calls to the public telephone network. Unlike on-premises telephone systems, hosted VoIP provides your business complete phone service from a local, trusted VoIP provider over your existing internet connection avoiding the costly copper phone lines. Instead of owning and maintaining an on-premise server, a hosted VoIP solution

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man using VoIP for a hybrid workplace
Mitchell Smith

Why Your Hybrid Workplace Needs VoIP & Unified Communications

Before the pandemic, there were generally two types of workers. There were those who worked in the corporate office, and there were those who worked in their home office. Now though, there is a third type of worker that HR experts say will dominate the workforce landscape for the foreseeable future: the hybrid worker. This individual spends time in both environments (e.g. Monday and Wednesday in the corporate office; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in their home office). The term for this configuration is “hybrid workplace,” and the engine that makes it function for hybrid workers and their employers alike is

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bandwidth usage icons
Mitchell Smith

FAQ: “How Much Bandwidth Do We Need for Cloud-Based Phones?”

When upgrading from a conventional landline phone system to a state-of-the-art cloud-based phone system, one of the most important factors to consider is how much bandwidth will be required. Bandwidth refers to the capacity of the connection to transfer an amount of data in a specific period of time. This is usually expressed as megabits per second, or Mbps. For example, an internet connection with a bandwidth of 25 Mbps is capable of transferring 25 million bits of data per second.  Why is choosing the optimal bandwidth so important? Because if the bandwidth is insufficient (i.e. if it is “too

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Nicky Smith

How to Sell Management on a New IP-Based Phone System

An Internet Protocol (IP)-based phone system is much more than a few new phones plugged into your network. It transforms your phone system into a next-generation communications hub, complete with cutting-edge technologies that let your organization deliver better customer service while cutting costs. An IP-based phone system piggybacks on your IP-network, connecting to the public-switched telephone network (PSTN) via your internet connection. Use this checklist to sell management on a new IP-based phone system: Reduce the cost of phone charges.IP telephony can significantly reduce the cost of your long-distance charges. It also reduces the number of circuits to the PSTN

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Nicky Smith

Benefits of Cloud-based PBX System

Carolina Digital Phone’s systems feature these business-critical telephone services: 1 Easy to set up and use. – Your internet control panel with Carolina Digital Phone hosted cloud telephone systems is designed for simplicity. Set up call forwarding numbers, add new users and phones, and pull reports all from one intuitive web console. You won’t need an IT professional just to make routine changes to your cloud based phone system. 2 Cut your monthly phone bills – Placing calls using our cloud telephone system allows us to offer you exceptionally low monthly rates for unlimited calling in the US & Canada.

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Nicky Smith

Cherishing & Celebrating: What I Will be Doing this Independence Day

Anyone who knows me is aware that I am fiercely patriotic. I always have been, and I always will be. And that is why Independence Day is always a very special occasion for me and my family. It is an opportunity for us to reflect on the immense gratitude that we feel to all of the men and women — past and present — who have served and defended our country in various ways; some of whom made the ultimate sacrifice. We owe these heroes a debt that we can never repay, and we honor them in our hearts, thoughts,

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Nicky Smith

The IP Desktop Phone Is Here to Stay

While many of us are used to our hard-wired phones and the reliability they offer in communications, this channel does not offer easy integration into the all-IP network. A number of companies have already made the move to deploy IP phones in order to leverage VoIP capabilities in the enterprise, yet the recession halted some of that spending. You may not realize just how big of a business it is, though. According to the latest statistics, there are one billion people using VoIP services by the end of 2017. Given that there are only 7.5 billion people in the world,

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Nicky Smith

CEOs & Business Owners: How to Save $28,104 (or More) Each Year

In today’s relentlessly competitive, fast-moving, and highly uncertain business landscape, the need for CEOs and business owners to find efficiencies and “get more for less” is not just a strategic priority. It is a fundamental necessity. You need to save money. Yet despite this urgent requirement, a surprising number of CEOs and business owners — through no personal fault or failing of their own — are wasting tens of thousands of dollars a year. How? By having their IT Director perform double-duty as their “telephone services guru”. Sound far-fetched? Let’s do the math: According to payscale.com, the average total salary

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stop robocalls phone screen
Nicky Smith

How to Stop Robocalls

If you are searching for a way to stop robocalls, then you are not alone. In 2020, nearly 4 billion robocalls targeted consumers and businesses across the U.S. And if you thought that the pandemic might have at least put a dent in the global robocall machine, think again. Scammers increased their efforts during COVID-19, with the most common robocalls claiming to provide financial relief, testing and treatments.  Of course, this is in addition to standard robocall fare that has been going on for several years, such as those that falsely claim an intended victim’s identity has been stolen, that

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woman on phone at computer using phone system features
Nicky Smith

10 Cloud Phone System Features that Will Massively Improve Your Customer Service

Every successful business leader knows that “if we fail to take care of our customer, a competitor will.” Consider these eye-opening statistics: 17% of customers will walk away after just one bad experience, while 59% will leave after a handful of bad experiences. (Source: PWC) Companies that lead in customer service out-perform laggards by nearly 80% (Source: Forrester) Customers who rate a company’s service as “good” are 38% more likely to recommend that company to family members, friends, colleagues, and associates. (Source: Qualtrix XM Institute)  While there are many ways for organizations to improve customer service, among the most effective

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business people on phone
Neil Matson

8 Reasons Why a Cloud Phone System is a Game Changer for Remote Working

Before the coronavirus crisis, remote working was surging. Now, it is here to stay and will become even more common in the months and years ahead. If your company isn’t gearing up for remote working solutions, you’ll be left behind by your competition. Here are 8 reasons why a cloud phone system is a transformative game-changer for remote working: 1. Remote workers can make and receive calls — as well as access many other functions such as chat, SMS, and presence — simply by plugging in an IP phone to their computer or laptop. Using a landline is not necessary.

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cyberattacks - best practices - blurred people in background behind 3 different phones and business card
Matthew Hutton

How We Protect Our Customers from Cyberattacks + Best Practices on Staying Safe

At Carolina Digital Phone, we take the safety of our customers VERY seriously. That is why we implement the following cybersecurity measures to protect our customers from cyberattacks: Our hosted cloud phone system runs on private and highly secure LAN data networks. These networks are protected by end-to-end encryption mechanisms. Including Transport Layer Security/TLS, Secure RTP for transmitting media, robust password protection for managed routers, and secure web-based dashboard access. In addition, our servers do NOT connect to the public Internet.  Our expert team continuously installs and configures security patches and updates. We conduct 24/7 monitoring to proactively detect unusual

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happy businesswoman with papers talking on smartphone while sitting on table in office - workplace flexibility
Joan Wilkerson

Workplace Flexibility: 7 Ways that a Cloud Phone System Makes it Happen

In today’s uncertain, fast-paced, constantly-changing and relentlessly competitive business landscape, having a flexible workplace is crucial for success — and in the long run, survival. But how can organizations optimize workplace flexibility, so they can embrace rather than resist change? The answer is simple: upgrade to a cloud phone system. Below, we highlight seven critically important ways that a cloud phone system drives workplace flexibility: Location Flexibility The most well-known — and indeed, the most valuable — way that a cloud phone system makes workplace flexibility happen is by enabling employees to access the system from anywhere. For example, employees can

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north carolina area code map 743
Nicky Smith

743: Slow Adoption of Area Code in North Carolina

Back in 2015, North Carolina approved a second area code (743) for Piedmont Triad. This was primarily down to the fact that there was no more availability for (336) numbers. In North America, each three-digit dialing code can only be used approximately 8 million times. The trouble faced by most states is simply that they have exhausted the options for the initially designated area code. Since the introduction of the 743 dialing code, there has been a prolonged rate of adoption, and it’s not difficult to see why. We are going to take a closer look at the people most

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flexible workplace - woman on phone
Nicky Smith

Flexible Workplace: 3 Essential Tools that Every Organization Needs

Motivational and self-help guru Brian Tracy has said that to succeed, it is necessary to “be clear about your goal, but flexible about the process of achieving it”. Indeed, these wise words are as applicable to organizations as they are to individuals. This is more true than ever in today’s business landscape where a flexible workplace is not just a profitable competitive advantage, but a basic requirement for long-term survival.   Below, we highlight three essential tools for a flexible workplace that every organization needs to thrive instead of struggle:  Cloud Phone Systems for a Flexible Workplace A cloud phone system

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softphone vs. deskphone
Nicky Smith

Softphone vs. Deskphone: Which is Best for Your Organization?

Deciding to make the switch from a conventional phone system to a cloud (a.k.a. VoIP) phone system is a smart move when you consider all of the advantages, which include: Significant initial and year-over-year cost savings. A wide range of enterprise-grade Unified Calling (UC) features such as voicemail-to-email, auto attendant, live call transfer, and more. Seamless scalability. No maintenance, update and upgrade costs. No technical support costs. Reliability and uptime (if the power goes out locally, the system will automatically shift to another area of the state/country where power is operational). The freedom to provide employees with a softphone or

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Business Phone Systems Boost Customer Service
Nicky Smith

4 Powerful Ways that Cloud Business Phone Systems Boost Customer Service

It is widely understood — frankly, it is axiomatic by this point — that good customer service is important. However, the enormous impact and influence of customer service on today’s business landscape is truly eye-opening. Consider the following: 52% of customers have made an additional purchase from a company after a positive customer service experience. (Source: Dimensional Research) 86% of consumers are willing to spend up to 25% extra for better customer service. (Source: Squaretalk) 61% of customers have switched brands due to poor customer service. And nearly 50% have done so within the last year. (Source: Microsoft) The moral

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office phone systems
Neil Matson

5 Ways that Cloud Office Phone Systems Cut Costs

These days, the need for businesses to “do more with less” is not just important: it’s essential! And that’s why a growing number of companies — from small firms to large enterprises — are upgrading to cloud (a.k.a. VoIP) office phone systems. Here are the 5 biggest reasons why 1. No PBX Costs With Office Phone Systems Conventional phone systems require an on-site private branch exchange (PBX). These are extremely expensive. While the exact amount depends on the size of the organization, generally the cost is about $1,000 per employee. So, a company with 15 employees would have to spend

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successful office workers
Neil Matson

10 Tips to Engage, Motivate and Energize Your Remote Workers

Right now, tens of millions of people who would otherwise be working in a corporate office are working from home. This is a good thing. If the COVID-19 pandemic happened 20 years ago, remote working would be far less viable of an option. Yes, people had internet at home back then, too. But connectivity speeds were much slower, and many were still using dial-up modem technology. Imagine taking 15 minutes to download a presentation (and even longer to upload one). And as for real-time video conferences: forget about it! However, the fact that millions of people are working remotely right

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3cx dashboard and phone
Nicky Smith

Is 3CX Really Free?

No, nothing is ever really free, even if it might seem that way at first glance. Many businesses today are making the move to cloud-based telephone services, and you might be tempted to do the same. Most cloud-based services run on either SIP trunking or VoIP protocol, basically using virtual connections, instead of wires and cables and using existing internet connection cables to convert audio into data to be transported. This can have many advantages. Landlines are quickly becoming a thing of the past. You might not have one at home at all. But, at work, having a phone is

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nicky smith
Nicky Smith

North Carolina Named “2020 State of the Year”

While 2020 was a very challenging year for obvious reasons, there were some bright spots as well. And one of the most encouraging and uplifting stories was North Carolina being named “2020 State of the Year” by Business Facilities Magazine. This is the first time — but certainly will not be the last time — that North Carolina has earned Business Facilities’ top honor. A title that has been bestowed annually since 2007. North Carolina earned top 10 rankings in several key categories for the “2020 State of the Year”: Best Business Climate Workforce Development Manufacturing Employment Foreign Direct Investment

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How Businesses in America will Thrive after the COVID-19 Crisis american shirt under business suit
Nicky Smith

How Businesses in America will Thrive after the COVID-19 Crisis

Building Back A Better America America is a very different place than it was just a couple of weeks ago. When the COVID-19 virus first emerged, we were all told to wash our hands properly and follow typical guidance for stopping the spread of viruses. Now we’re told to stay at home. While there have been many crises over the years, this has changed life as we know it significantly, and all in a short space of time. It’s truly an unbelievable turn of events. But as with any crisis, we will make it through the other side. The lessons

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mergers and acquisitions - why bigger is not always better
Nicky Smith

Acquisitions in the Hosted VoIP Industry

Why Bigger is Not Always Better Bill Gates once said that “success is a lousy teacher because it seduces people into thinking that they can’t lose.” Well, to this we would add that success is sometimes not just a lousy teacher for people — it can also be a lousy teacher for companies, too. Take for example the consolidation that is happening in the VoIP industry. A growing number of relatively small companies are being acquired by larger organizations. On the surface, this seems like a good thing. After all, bigger is supposed to be better, right? But if we

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