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Blogs, Insights, and Announcements from Carolina Digital Phone

businessman phone coins stacked
Nicky Smith

5 Reasons Why a Cloud Phone System is FAR BETTER than a Landline+Smartphone for Your Remote Workers

Regardless of the size of your business, there’s a very good chance that you either have some staff working from home right now, or you’ll have some staff working from home in the near future (if not exclusively, then partially). This has nothing to do with social distancing, and everything to do with the fact that remote working is generally cheaper for employers and generally preferred by employees. Plus it’s good for the environment. However, if you think that a conventional landline+smartphone is sufficient for your remote workers, then think again! Here are 5 reasons why a cloud phone system

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business opening up
Nicky Smith

How COVID-19 Makes Small Businesses Better

Is your company ready for not just survival but growth as we enter the “new normal” after COVID-19? Withstanding the weeks of change and uncertainty have given businesses some challenges, to say the least. But as multiple states reopen in phases, there are some promising lessons we can learn. It would be quite a stretch to suggest there is a “silver lining” in a pandemic. There will, however, be innovative, and newly discovered ways to bounce back from this event. Many businesses can exceed their recovery expectations and emerge stronger. Moving ahead, we will know how to be prepared for

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Nicky Smith

Still Unsure About Switching to a Cloud Telephone System? Read This Now!

If you are a business owner or executive, then obviously you want to find ways to save money — especially these days with so much uncertainty about the future. Switching from a landline telephone system to a cloud telephone system will save your business anywhere from around 20%-50% per year (and possibly more). Plus, your staff — regardless of whether they are in a home office or workplace location — will have access to a full range of enterprise-grade calling features like voicemail-to-email and auto attendant that will help them be more productive and efficient. On top of this, your

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closeup smartphone
Neil Matson

10 Great Things You May Not Know About Our Softphone App

There is growing — but cautious — optimism that the very worst of the coronavirus pandemic is behind us, and we can start looking forward to a summer filled with fishing, golf, barbecues with family and friends, and other things that make life worth living. And speaking of inspiring news, here are 10 great things that you may not know about our softphone app: It is offered FREE to all of our valued customers. There is no additional charge of any kind. It is available for iOS and Android devices (smartphones and tablets). It installs quickly, and the streamlined clutter-free

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thermal scan
Nicky Smith

You Must Have Thermal Analytics For Your Business To survive

As the world advances toward reopening from the COVID-19 pandemic, your business needs to be prepared. Carolina Digital Phones has solutions to your communication needs through our dependable, affordable Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone services. Our partners at AT&T IoT (Internet of Things) are preparing integrated solutions for businesses with public spaces in need of real-time monitoring of body temperature through Thermal Analytics. In the new economy, being able to monitor a large number of people without bringing your company to a halt will ensure your business or institution runs smoothly without major bottlenecks or delays. Being able to

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work at home with dog
Nicky Smith

The Time for Action is Now: A Wake-Up Call for Business

This week, Twitter announced that many of their employees will be allowed to work from home not just for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic shutdown, but forever. Other companies are grappling with when to reopen their physical offices and, how many of their employees to allow to work remotely. Barclays and JPMorgan Chase & Co may not bring all employees back at the same time. Austin, Texas-based Dell Computers says that more than 50% of their more than 160,000 employees may never return to the office. The decision by Twitter and other employers signals a growing shift in attitude

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doctor video call
Nicky Smith

Five Facts to Learn from Telehealth Early Adopters

Medical institutions and professionals are constantly looking for ways of evolving and being able to give the best possible healthcare and treatment to patients. The need for more readily accessible healthcare is growing. One in five adults in the United States is believed to live with some sort of mental illness or mental health problem. For three years running, life expectancy has dropped in the US, which only serves to highlight the need for greater access to behavioral care and treatment in day to day life. Telehealth is one of the greatest tools available to behavioral healthcare providers when it

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first bank thank you
Nicky Smith

Why my Local Community Bank is the best!

When the going gets tough, local businesses get going As a longtime business owner in the Triad, I have always been a big supporter of backing local companies and following the principle of “give where you live.” But as we all know, relationships are a two-way street. And right now, as we grapple with this unprecedented crisis caused by COVID-19, I am seeing local businesses step up and give back to their customers in ways that are both practical, and inspirational. As the saying goes: In bad times, you find out who your real friends are. Since the beginning of

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video conference
Nicky Smith

Video Conference Security is More Important Than Ever

In today’s current climate, video conference security has become more important than ever before. More people are remote working in light of the coronavirus lockdown. Getting used to remote working isn’t easy. You need to get your routine figured out and you need to get used to the different tools you will be using while working from home. It’s a big shift! And, this is represented effectively when it comes to the different statistics out there in regards to collaboration tools and the usage of online video context. Let’s take a look at the case of Zoom… We only need

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VPN, Personal Online Security, Virtual Private Network
Nicky Smith

7 Tips to Increase at-Home Virtual Private Network (VPN) Speed

A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts traffic between a device (e.g. computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone) and a network. Since hackers don’t have the encryption key, they can’t snoop and steal data. That’s the good news. The bad news is that because millions of people are working from home right now due to the coronavirus pandemic, VPNs are getting overloaded with traffic. Reports show that the global use of some VPNs has increased by 165 percent since March 11. This is causing some remote workers to experience sluggish data connectivity speeds, which is making it frustrating (and sometimes impossible) to

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start 2020
Nicky Smith

Local Economy Reboot 2.0

As COVID-19 continues to sweep across the United States, government bodies, commercial organizations and individuals are already looking forward to how we’ll build a new future. The impact of COVID-19 may be unprecedented in living memory, but the compassionate and courageous response is nothing new. Like everyone, my outlook has been changed by COVID-19. As we’ve seen the speed at which a previously unknown threat can affect our country, it’s natural to feel shocked and wary. Now that we find ourselves reaching the peak of the outbreak, however, these initial emotions have given way to altogether more positive ones: optimism,

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economic recovery
Nicky Smith

There is good news. You just need to look for it.

Most of us have more time on our hands than ever before. We’re locked down in our homes, with nothing to do. We’re probably reading the news more than we ever have been, actively searching for updates on the coronavirus and information on how many people have died and when we will be able to resume to normal life again. It can be easy to become wrapped up in all of the doom and gloom that is on the television and the internet. However, there are plenty of great news stories out there at the moment; you simply need to

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wave american flag fireworks
Nicky Smith

COVID-19 Crisis: 3 Reasons Why America Will Triumph

The look on people’s faces is asking the same thing: How could this happen so rapidly? In just a few weeks, we have gone from being advised to wash our hands properly — which, frankly, is something that we should always be doing regardless — to being ordered to stay in our homes for all but the most vital activities, like buying essential groceries or going to the drug store. True, our nation has faced larger catastrophes before. But we have never experienced so much remarkable change in such a small period of time. This isn’t merely dizzying. It’s staggering.

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queen england
Nicky Smith

Positive News Stories You May Have Missed During The Coronavirus Outbreak

In a rare move – one that has only been done four times for the monarch – the Queen delivered a speech to the country amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Speaking from Windsor Castle in a pre-recorded message where only one camera person wearing protective clothing was present, the Queen rallied the country saying we will ‘succeed’ in overcoming Covid-19 and thanked NHS staff and key workers for their tireless sacrifice. One of the most stirring comments was one of hope from the 93-year-old Queen: ‘We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will

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zoom staff meeting
Nicky Smith

Cloud-based Phone and Zoom

Working from home has quickly become the new normal for many people. Remote working has been an effective way for people to continue to run their businesses, even in these uncertain times. It’s been a great time to discover new ways of working and new tools, allowing everyone to stay connected and keep business running as usual, for now at least. One of the most popular applications right now is Zoom.us – an app that’s being used to conduct video meetings all over the world, and even political business in some countries! Video conferencing helps to keep meetings going, as

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working from home desk
Nicky Smith

COVID-19 Reveals the Benefits of Remote Work Solutions

Since it first emerged in China last year, the coronavirus has spread rapidly across the globe. To slow the spread of this disease, many U.S. states and municipal governments have either ordered or recommended that individuals stay home as much as possible and avoid contact with others. This has interrupted work for many businesses, who are now looking for remote work solutions. But this isn’t the only situation when telework solutions can benefit your company, and recent events have highlighted the many advantages of being a remote teleworker or offering this opportunity to your employees. 3 Major Advantages of Remote Work Solutions 1. Improved

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america comeback covid
Nicky Smith

America 2.0 – When The Global Pandemic Is Over

Right now, we are living in uncertain times resulting from a global pandemic. There is fear and even panic resulting from this virus and the resulting aftermath. Many are sick, some have died, many more are at risk, food and savings are scarce for some people, some have lost their jobs or at least their income, and schools are shut down. No one is unaffected by the turmoil. While we are struggling through the changes and adjustments needed to fight this virus, we may have difficulty seeing an end. We may be longing to go back to a time before

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Nicky Smith

10 Reasons NOT to Choose Google Voice for Your Business

Now that it is integrated with G Suite, there is a lot of buzz these days about using Google Voice as a business telecommunications solution. Unfortunately, some businesses that have headed in that direction have found the experience frustrating, costly and regrettable. Here are 10 key reasons why: 1. No Business Caller ID Every business knows that caller ID is an absolute must have feature. In fact, it shouldn’t even be called a “feature” at all. It’s a basic staple that simply can’t not be an option. This is not 1992 anymore. There are three major problems with Google Voice

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christ united methodist church
Nicky Smith

Success Story: Christ United Methodist Church in Greensboro

The team at Christ United Methodist Church in Greensboro is simply amazing, and now their efforts are needed more than ever. Indeed, a survey by the Pew Research Center revealed an unexpected impact of the coronavirus crisis: more Americans are turning their attention — and some of them for the very first time — to spiritual and religious matters. And so, when Samantha Charlet, the outstanding and friendly Business Manager at Christ United Methodist Church wanted to make sure that her IP phones worked over a Wi-Fi network, our (also outstanding and friendly!) Customer Service Manager Randy Williams personally delivered

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working from home desk
Nicky Smith

5 Best Techniques for Working at Home

Welcome to lockdown! This is a weird time for everyone, and that’s putting it lightly/ so many of us are used to waking up early and rushing through morning exercise, breakfast, a coffee or two, and even kissing our partners on the cheek goodbye. Often, we may not see our family before leaving the house. However, with lockdown, everything has changed. Working from home is the new normal for many, and if you’ve never worked from home before, then it can be a challenge to adjust. To help you overcome this sudden and unexpected shift in your life, here are

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involuntary confinement
Nicky Smith

Involuntary Confinement

The business executive had a busy life. He would get up at 5 AM every day to go for a run around the neighborhood. After his run, he’d take a shower, make a pot of coffee, and then he’d rush to the train station for a tedious 45-minute commute to the office. When work finished for the day, he’d take the same tedious commute back home, exhausted, and not in the mood to hang out with the family. And then, everything changed. All of a sudden, he was home every day with his wife, his three kids, aged three, ten,

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french west vaughan
Nicky Smith

Success Story: French West Vaughan Working Remotely

A couple of weeks ago, our customer French West Vaughan was gearing up to transition their staff to work remotely, when they ran into an unexpected challenge: two of their key people responsible for answering calls didn’t have a wired network in their home office. As a result, they wouldn’t be able to use their IP phones. Understandably, FWV was concerned and reached out to us for help. Because time was of the essence, our Major Account Executive, Joan Wilkerson personally delivered two high-performance Wi-Fi dongles to FWV’s corporate HQ in Raleigh. Now, these two key employees are happily and

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mom and daughter working from home
Nicky Smith

Working From Home Productively & Comfortably

Keeping your business up and running amidst the current pandemic sweeping the globe can seem like a somewhat impossible task, as there are so many obstacles that appear to stand in your way thanks to measures such as social distancing and working from home. However, there are several ways that you can continue to operate as normal despite the hurdles you face, and you can ensure that your business can thrive as usual with productivity at ultimate levels in every location. The experience may be one which is particularly stressful and negative, but it can also be a great learning

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success concept chalk board
Nicky Smith

10 Steps To Help Your Business Survive and Thrive

Whether you’ve recently launched a startup or you’re the CEO of an established organization, these unprecedented times caused by COVID-19 have erected several unique obstacles. On a brighter note, though, it also creates the perfect landscape for opportunistic entrepreneurs that are willing to go the extra mile. With the right strategy in place, your business can thrive during these difficult times. Focus on the 10 pointers below, and you won’t go far wrong. 1| Positive Communication “You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life.” – Zig Ziglar. Great communication sits

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april fool's day
Nicky Smith

Not an April Fools’ Gag: We Are SERIOUS About Our Free Offer to Support Remote Workers

Given the serious coronavirus pandemic, this year Google has decided to skip its April Fools’ Day gags. And speaking of taking things seriously: at Carolina Digital Phone, we are very serious about doing our part to make things better for businesses during this difficult time. That is why we have launched a special FREE OFFER to help your business stay successful in your business. HERE IS HOW IT WORKS: Until April 17, 2020 when you make a two-year agreement for services, you will also get TWO FREE MONTHS of service and BELOW COST PRICING on state-of-the-art Yealink IP-based telephones. And

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man working from home with dog
Nicky Smith

Working at Home with Pets

With all the virus-related doom and gloom in the media, you could think that NOTHING good is happening in the world. But you’d be wrong. As with any catastrophe, there’s always a silver lining. And in the current crisis, it’s spending more time at home with your pets. With the rise of “stay at home” working, we’re seeing a whole new generation of co-workers come to the fore – or should we say, the “paw?” And while our animal friends might not be able to organize spreadsheets or fire off emails, they are, nonetheless, lending their support in our time

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gate county map
Nicky Smith

Gates County Government Deploys Hosted Phones with Success

Our customer Gates County contacted us when the IP phones that their employees took home didn’t work. We quickly discovered the root cause: Gates County had Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) in their corporate office. This technology allowed them to power all IP phones without the need to plug each one into a wall outlet. The same ethernet cable that transmitted data also transmitted power. But guess what? Most employees didn’t have POE at home, and so their IP phones weren’t getting any power. That’s when Joan Wilkerson, one of our amazing Major Account Executives, sprang into action! She had several IP phone

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man packing up his office
Nicky Smith

Where is the Power Supply?

Working remotely has its challenges, especially when you usually rely on your office IT supplies to help you keep everything up and running! I work in medical supplies sales and need an IP based phone to do my job, so I was worried when my boss asked us all to work from home for a while. Nevertheless, I packed up my desk and set off, ready to work hard from home, whatever the challenges. Of course, when I got there, I found my IP based phone needs a power supply to work! What was I going to do? At the

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Nicky Smith

FREE Working Remotely Solution to Help You Stay In Business

[vc_custom_heading text="Get Your Team Back to Working Remotely from Home With Carolina Digital Phone's Cloud-based Telephone Service. Get your business back online tomorrow!" font_container="tag:h2|font_size:30|text_align:center|color:%2300840f|line_height:30px" use_theme_fonts="yes" css_animation="slideInLeft"] To help small businesses get back in business during the Coronavirus outbreak, Carolina Digital Phone, a local Greensboro, North Carolina based business wants to help you! If you have been waiting to move your communications to the cloud, NOW is the time with our FREE month offer. Make a two year agreement for services and get TWO FREE MONTHS of service PLUS deeply DISCOUNTED pricing of Yealink IP-based telephones below our cost. Get your employees working for home tomorrow! Call us by noon (336) 850-5400 and we
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family arts and crafts
Nicky Smith

Working From Home With Children

It’s comforting to know that we’ve all been thrown into the same situation as everyone else in the world. However, suddenly working from home for the foreseeable future seems like a blissful and satisfying situation for some people, but a terrifying and painful situation for others. So regardless of what industry you work in, how do you cope with remote working when you have children? Here are some tips that might just stop you from going stir crazy indoors. Keep To A Routine A routine is important because despite you having your home, as the workplace, you still have things

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Uplifting Message to Millions from Joel Osteen

During uncertain times we need to have a positive influence on what we do daily. Enjoy Pastor Joel Osteen giving uplifting message during these hard times to over 4.6 million viewers today. He has answers for how we can seek positivity when there is a lot of negativity in the world. Well worth sharing!   During these difficult times Carolina Digital Phone is offering FREE telephone services to businesses affected by the Coronavirus outbreak. Please visit https://digitalphone.io/working-remotely-free/ for more information.

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stop covid-19
Nicky Smith

A Message from Carolina Digital Phone’s CEO Nicky Smith on COVID-19

To Our Valued Customers: With the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading around the globe so rapidly in recent weeks, I am taking this opportunity to share with you the key actions that we are taking in response: maintaining business continuity, maintaining high availability of services, offering our mobile app for remote workers, and introducing our next day telework solution for remote workers. Each of these is described below. [su_highlight]1. Maintaining Business Continuity[/su_highlight] Our office remains open, and our staff is ready to provide the exceptional support that you have come to expect from us. Should it become necessary for us to

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sleepy cat
Nicky Smith

Help, My Cat Has Coronavirus

Working from home is not for the faint of heart. Where is the motivation to set the alarm in the morning? Wearing pants has become optional. I sit down to work and then remember the dishes in the sink, the lightbulb that needs to be replaced, and the plants that need watering. Pets become both a comfort and a source of distraction. Lack of human interaction has me wondering if I always had the urge to cut my own hair or if cabin fever is finally setting in for good. The internet is frothing with information about coronavirus: the symptoms,

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Remote Worker Solution

Get Your Team Back to Working Remotely from Home With Carolina Digital Phone’s Cloud-based Telephone Service. Get your business back online tomorrow! Get your employees working for home tomorrow! Call us by noon (336) 850-5400 and we can ship direct to their homes a digital phone that you can manage and monitor from the cloud. You can be back in business quicky with remote workers having access to each other by phone, chat, video and answering your customer calls, making calls and keeping your business operational! If hardware financing is required we have made arrangements with finance companies to help you make

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google verified customer reviews
Nicky Smith

Carolina Digital Phone Earns 100th 5-Star Review from Satisfied Customers

Carolina Digital Phone, a leading hosted VoIP and telecommunications firm based in North Carolina that serves businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions nationwide, is proud to announce that it has received its 100th 5-star review from satisfied customers. The verified reviews, which were provided by customers through multiple sites including Google, Facebook, the Better Business Bureau, and Yelp, can all be accessed through the Carolina Digital Phone website at https://digitalphone.io. A sampling of some of the 5-star feedback includes: “Carolina Digital Phone answers promptly, solves our issues efficiently, and we have a personal contact with our own representative who

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carolina digital phone helps medical education and non-profit organizations
Nicky Smith

Is your organization affected by the Coronavirus?

We Are Helping the Community by Offering 3 Free Months of Cloud-Based Services for Organizations impacted by Coronavirus   All healthcare providers, schools (K-12 and Community Colleges), and non-profit organizations who are new customers and impacted by COVID-19 get free access to Carolina Digital Phone’s Advanced Cloud-Based Telephone Services. This includes 16 participants per video meeting and our existing feature rich set of services. You can call us for fast setup (336) 850-5400 or complete the form below for a quick call back from one of our onboarding specialists.   IP based telephones and hardware purchased are not included in this offer.

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nicky smith ceo of carolina digital phone office
Nicky Smith

The 3 Worst Pieces of Business Advice I’ve Ever Received

Anyone who knows me in my personal or professional life knows that I’m an incurable optimist. This doesn’t mean that I don’t face problems and challenges head-on, because I certainly do. And it also doesn’t mean that I “sugar coat” truth, facts or reality. Sometimes things aren’t good. And occasionally, they’re downright bad. But it does mean that I believe in focusing on the positives, and as the old and wise saying goes: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And so, it may come as a surprise that a self-described optimist like me would want to share some of

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frustrated phone issues
Nicky Smith

4 Reasons Why Landline Phone Systems Snap, Crackle and Pop — and What to Do About It

As we blogged about recently, the HD audio quality on business-grade cloud telephone systems is superior to landline phone systems, because the former uses wideband technology and the latter uses narrowband technology (learn more here). Today, we’ll look at another key reason why a growing number of businesses are upgrading to a cloud telephone system: they’re fed up with landline calls that sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies; that is, they snap, crackle and pop. Here are the key reasons why: 1. Corroded Phone Lines The plain old telephone system (POTS) uses copper wire technology that hasn’t been new

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extreme nonprofit makeover
Nicky Smith

Carolina Digital Phone Gives Back to the Community

As part of our longstanding commitment to give back to the community and help make a lasting positive impact in the lives of our neighbors, we are delighted to announce that we are once again donating our expertise, equipment and services as part of the acclaimed Extreme Nonprofit Makeover program. Now in its 16th year and pioneered by Dr. Sue Polinsky, the President of leading web development firm TechTriad, the Extreme Nonprofit Makeover provides a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Guilford County with a complete technology makeover at absolutely no cost, so that it can expand and enhance its community-focused

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audio speakers
Nicky Smith

Here’s Why Audio is Better — not Worse — After Switching to a Cloud Telephone System

Some businesses that want to reap the many advantages of switching from a conventional landline telephone to a cloud telephone system — such as saving thousands of dollars a year, connecting their remote workforce, seamless scalability, business continuity, and the list of goes on — are nevertheless hesitant to do so, because they fear that audio quality will suffer. This perception is understandable. Oversubscribed VoIP services like Skype and Google Voice are notorious for static, echo and dropped calls. There are just too many users. Think of it like a hospital designed to serve a region of 100,000 people, instead

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group celebrating
Nicky Smith

It’s Not Fake News: Trump’s Pro-Business Agenda is Working

A well-established tenet is that it’s unwise to mix business and politics. However, there are exceptions to most rules, and this is one such instance because this article is about both business and politics. To start with, when it comes to politics, we are living in a very confusing and contradictory age. Despite the proliferation of political news and commentary that takes place around us 24/7, as a nation we are drifting further and further away from anything resembling thoughtful, political discourse. Personally, I don’t think this is because we spend too much time talking (and arguing) about politics. Rather,

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cloud based telephone
Nicky Smith

5 Ways that Cloud Telephone Systems have Revolutionized Business Communication

These days, the word “revolutionized” gets thrown around rather loosely. It’s used to describe everything from kitty litter, to air fresheners, to apps that can help find a lost TV remote control (OK, that’s pretty useful, but revolutionary?).  However, there are situations when labeling something revolutionized isn’t fluff and hype: it’s an honest, objective assessment because it has re-invented a concept and established a new category of excellence and expectation. And without question, one such scenario is cloud telephone systems.  Here are five ways that cloud telephone systems have revolutionized business communications: 1. Cloud Telephone Systems Enable Small Businesses to

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happy worker marker board
Nicky Smith

5 Business Technologies that are Essential in 2020

The year was 1991. The nation’s movie lovers flocked to see Naked Gun 2 ½: The Smell of Fear (and after demanding their money back, took in The Silence of the Lambs). In pop music, C&C Music Factory promised to make us sweat, Madonna pledged to justify her love, and Bonnie Raitt gave us all something to talk about. In the IT world, Linus Torvalds (no, not the guy from Peanuts waiting for the Great Pumpkin) launched the Linux operating system kernel, while Bill Gates and friends released MS-DOS 5.0. And something else happened in 1991 that changed, well, everything:

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business owners reviewing
Nicky Smith

3 Clear Benefits of Hosted Telephone for Small Businesses

Communication affects every part of your business. From reaching to new clients to interacting with customers, efficient communication ensures your business will reach its goals. Because of this, turning to Cloud-based Hosted Telephone Service can help your business grow by offering three distinct improvements over the standard phone system. Learn here about all three and how they can help your small business. How Can Small Businesses Benefit From Hosted Telephone Service? 1. Cost Saving With no need for a physical phone line a Hosted Telephone service doesn’t come with high installation costs or maintenance fees due to being online. Offering

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happy worker at desk
Nicky Smith

5 Reasons Why it’s Smarter to Choose Cloud-Based Telephone Specialist vs. Generalist

When we consult with a surgeon, while seated on the examination table we don’t expect them to try and sell us a timeshare (“you’ll love the ocean view!”). When we board an airplane, we don’t expect to hear the captain get on the intercom and invite passengers to stop by the cockpit to purchase a state-of-the-art smoothie blender. When we meet with an architect about redesigning our home, we don’t expect them to peer up from their blueprints and say: “while I’m here, perhaps we can talk about your pet insurance needs?” In other words, when we engage a specialist,

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yealink phone
Nicky Smith

5 Reasons Businesses Are Moving to Cloud based Telephone Services

For years, businesses have relied on traditional landlines to enable their customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders to communicate with one another. It’s a tried-and-tested method that works. Today, though, the world is moving towards cloud-based telephone services: ordinary voice-based calls routed through the internet instead of landlines. These systems offer a host of benefits that businesses love. Please take a look at them below. 1. Cost Savings Owning and running a traditional business telephone service is not cheap. Not only do you have to pay monthly fees to the line and interchange provider, but you also have to employ people

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carolina digital phone versus dialpad
Nicky Smith

Dialpad compared to Carolina Digital Phone

When it comes to hunting out modern-day solutions to drum up growth within your business, you can often find yourself in a minefield of options without any serious guidance as to what can serve your company best. One solution that is becoming more and more popular with each passing year is that of VoIP service also known as as hosted cloud-based telephone services. We will go on to explain what a VoIP service is briefly in the next section, but the main focus of the article is to compare two companies providing cloud-based telephone solutions to businesses and see which

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Cloud-based Telephone Services for Accounting Professionals

Every Accounting Office should be using a cloud-based Telephone Service If you operate an accounting or bookkeeping firm and want more control over your communications, Carolina Digital Phone can help. With us, you get a local partner, dedicated to providing you with mobile communications that seamlessly integrate with your existing web infrastructure. When you choose Carolina Digital Phone, there’s no need to install expensive new landlines or rip up your old communication systems. We provide full integration through the cloud – and for less than you might expect. A Local Cloud Communications Company For Accounting Companies When it comes to

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salesperson on his phone
Nicky Smith

5 Reasons Why a Cloud Phone System is a MUST for Sales Reps in 2020

Whether they’re selling swimming pools or semiconductors, what do the world’s most successful sales reps have in common? They’re self-motivated. They’re driven. They’re persistent. They’re persuasive. They’re competitive. And perhaps most importantly: they rely on potent (and beloved) tools like a cloud phone system to help usher customers forward across the buyer’s journey. If you want to elevate your organization’s sales reps in 2020 and beyond — so that they’re consistently surpassing targets instead of struggling to meet them — then here are 5 reason why adding a cloud phone system ASAP is the way to go: 1. Dramatically Improve

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Nicky Smith

Porting Your Number to A Cloud-based Service Provider

Switching providers and services is a pain. At home, we all know that we should be switching insurance, utilities, cell phone, internet, and other service providers every time our contracts run out. You should never stick to the same provider out of loyalty. Their costs are often hugely inflated in the second year, as all of the best offers and perks are offered to new customers. Your providers don’t show you any loyalty, so why do you give them any? With Carolina Digital Phone we will never change your pricing after your contract is up. If you are a loyal

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stock market trends
Nicky Smith

3 Key Factors Driving VoIP’s Booming Growth

The VoIP industry is booming — and there is no slowdown in sight: VoIP is now the fastest-growing industry in the U.S. (Source: IBIS World) Between 2017-2021, the global VoIP services market is projected to increase 10% (Source: Research & Markets) By the year 2020, there will be an estimated 204.8 billion corporate subscribers of VoIP systems around the world, and the industry overall will surpass $86 billion in annual revenue. (Source: Future Market Insights) Numbers like these are clearly paving the way for a new normal on the business landscape: one where a hosted VoIP phone system is the

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voicemail to email
Nicky Smith

5 Tips to Make Voicemail Work FOR Your Business Instead of AGAINST It

Once upon a time, a thing called voicemail arrived on the scene — and it was great. Callers and recipients loved the convenience, the efficiency, and the results. Voicemail could do no wrong. Well, things have changed since then. These days, voicemail is generally regarded as a necessary evil; or by some people (especially millennials) as an outright evil. Instead of feeling glad that they’re being asked to leave a message, they feel frustrated, offended and insulted. What went wrong? How did voicemail go from being loved to loathed? Basically, it’s because businesses stopped using voicemail as a way to

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competitor warning
Nicky Smith

Get Local Support for your Cloud-based Communications

Can you trust big companies to meet your telephony needs as a small business owner?  Probably not!  Most large companies offer generic, cookie-cutter products that do not meet the specific needs of your business. Their goal is to churn out as many services as possible and charge high rates to cover their capital costs, not provide solutions that fit their clients. Most will put you in a box, giving you what they want instead of cloud-based services that you actually need. The Popularity Of Cloud-Based Communications And The Importance Of Local Support The popularity of cloud-based telephone services is growing

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Nicky Smith

Want SIP Trunks or Hosted Seats for your Business?

Are you still using your legacy phone system? Many businesses today are. We spend our days communicating with clients, suppliers, customers and investors over email, using online chat, and on the telephone. While in 2018 less than 50% of Americans had a landline phone at home, instead preferring to be wireless, using their smartphones for communication, most small businesses are still reliant on old fashioned, outdated and often costly legacy phone systems. These outdated systems can mean that you are missing important calls, facing static on the line, and other issues that really should be behind us as we move

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business people shaking hands
Nicky Smith

In Sales? Are you IPAing Today?

What do you think of, when you think of the titular ‘salesperson’ achieving success and sweet-talking his or her clients? We might see a person with a certain kind of stride, an overconfident kind of swagger, a smooth vocabulary with many imperative phrases that incentivize a sale. This might look very impressive to those hoping to walk in those career-oriented shoes. But for others, especially those who are tired of being upsold and treated like a point of sale rather than a person, a salesperson may have that smarmy aura about them that we come to thoroughly dislike. Of course,

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planning 2020
Nicky Smith

4 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business in 2020

As a new year approaches, it’s time to relax, unwind, spend time with family and friends — and of course, make some New Year’s Resolutions that inspire us to make some positive changes in the year ahead. However, New Year’s Resolutions aren’t just for personal aspirations. They’re also for business goals. With this in mind, here are four New Year’s Resolutions for your business in 2020:   #1: In 2020, resolve to significantly lower overhead costs.   Cutting costs in your business — but without compromising quality assurance, diminishing customer experience or reducing sales — is even better than winning the lottery

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kid looking beyond
Nicky Smith

5 VoIP Predictions for 2020

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2019, let’s gaze into our crystal ball and look at 5 VoIP predictions for the year ahead: Prediction #1: A record number of SMBs will cut the cord and switch to a hosted VoIP phone system. Over the last several years, SMBs have been switching in droves from an on-premise phone system to a hosted VoIP phone system. In 2020, we expect the velocity to increase given the undeniable advantages that include generating ongoing cost savings, scalability, flexibility, supporting remote workers, improving customer experience (CX), using advanced calling features, and accessing future-proofed

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angry woman
Nicky Smith

Don’t get mad, Get in the cloud with your telephone services

Picture the scene, a successful North Carolina based business owner wants to add some new features to her existing phone service. Her clients expect to be able to get in touch with her whenever they need to, so all she wants is out of hours call handling and calls to be forwarded to her cellphone. These services mean that she can keep her business moving and functioning to the best of its ability. Hardly a tall ask you may say. After all, she is a customer with a company that has needs. And after what seems like days on hold

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excellent customer satisfaction
Nicky Smith

The “3 R’s” of Our Customer Service Commitment

Recently, we published an article highlighting the unfortunate fact that North State is being acquired by Segra. Why “unfortunate”? Because not only do we expect to see many hard working and loyal North State employees get laid off in the coming months, but also because this is probably going to be bad news for North State’s customers in High Point, Thomasville, Archdale, Randleman, Jamestown, Trinity, Greensboro and Kernersville. We expect they will lose the “small business” relationship and dynamic they had with North State once the acquisition is complete (and probably well before that). In light of this development, we

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old school phone
Nicky Smith

Cloud-based PBX – Top 7 Marketing Advantages Compared to a Traditional Telephone System

A hosted cloud-based VoIP system or hosted PBX services provide many significant advantages over the purchase or use of a traditional telephone system because they furnish advanced telephone system features as a service over the internet. Many of those advanced features are expensive to deploy as part of a telephone system. Hosted PBX service is delivered with equipment located on the premises of the provider. This means a business does not need to invest in a telephone system to take advantage of its rich features and capabilities. In most cases, only phones will need to be purchased or leased which

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