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Blogs, Insights, and Announcements from Carolina Digital Phone

Neil Matson

How Old Technology Is Causing Modern Headaches

Despite STIR/SHAKEN call authentication being used widely to combat Spam and Robocalls, rival authorities are causing more legitimate calls to be flagged. Additionally, older legacy technology in the form of TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) services have been around since the 80’s, and don’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

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Mitchell Smith

Having A Disaster Recovery Plan for Business Communications

Even though we can’t always control everything, there are ways to protect our business from outside forces. This could be anything from natural disasters to cybercrime. However, instead of idly waiting for something bad to happen, we must take proactive measures. By doing this, we decrease the chances of our company being impacted by negative circumstances.

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Nicky Smith

How to Start a Telehealth Practice: 5 Tips

Telehealth services are becoming increasingly popular among patients. Healthcare IT News reports that three-quarters of patients plan to use telehealth in 2022 and beyond. Its convenience and increased accessibility to care are some of the motivations behind telehealth’s favorability. Consequently, starting a telehealth practice is beneficial since you can rest assured that a market exists for it. Still, like establishing a business, there are certain tips to follow for success. Below are a few: Familiarize yourself with state telehealth laws The first step is to read your state’s telehealth practice laws. Although telehealth is legal across states, some have specific regulations.

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3 coworkers talking in secrecy about cloud-based telephone service
Nicky Smith

3 Things Landline Phone Companies DON’T Want You to Know About Cloud-Based Telephone Service

In theory, businesses should give their customers the facts and tell them the truth, so that they can make informed and successful decisions. But as we all know, in reality, this doesn’t always happen. Some businesses spin, bend, or outright “invent” the truth in a desperate, unethical attempt to acquire and keep customers. Unfortunately, we have received numerous reports over the years of landline phone companies engaging in this type of behavior, when they feel threatened by reputable companies that offer cloud-based telephone service.  The bad news is that we cannot demand that these landline phone companies change their behavior.

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Nicky Smith

Widespread Outage Temporarily Shuts Down 988 Mental Health Hotline — Text & Chat Still Available

There are reports across the country that as of early December 1, 2022, the recently-introduced 988 mental health hotline is, according to a recorded announcement, “experiencing a service outage.” Currently, there is no official timeline for when the hotline will be restored. However, individuals in distress can still connect with a mental health counselor by texting 988, or by starting a chat at 988lifeline.org. We urge anyone who is struggling to immediately take advantage of this free and confidential service. All counselors are trained and experienced and rely on established best practices and clinically-approved methods to give individuals the support

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Man reading his digital phone service bills
Nicky Smith

7 Digital Phone Service Fees You Should NEVER Pay 

It is well-established that digital phone service is much more affordable than conventional landline service. Most businesses that switch see immediate savings of 25% per month, though many enjoy savings of 50% or even more. Getting more for less is always a good strategy — especially these days with tight budgets and relentless competition. However, it is important to keep in mind that not all digital phone service companies offer the same value. Some advertise low prices, but behind-the-scenes they tack on all kinds of extra fees. Is this unethical? Absolutely. Is it illegal? Probably not. In most cases, the

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man saving money with digital phone for business
Nicky Smith

4 Ways that a Digital Phone System for Business Pays for Itself (and Then Some!)

As we all know, the best investments in life are those that “pay for themselves.” Here are 4 reasons why a VoIP digital phone for business belongs in this category: 1. A Digital Phone System for Your Business Dramatically Lowers Remote Worker Telecommunication Costs  Installing a business-grade landline in a home office can cost around $600. On top of this, ongoing fees can be as high as $100 per month (and in some cases more). That means the telecommunication costs for just ONE remote worker can cost your business $1800 in the first year, and then $1200 every year after

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Neil Matson

Transform your business communications – Move to a cloud-based phone system

Ready to improve your business communications? A modern cloud-based phone system helps you do that by optimizing your workflow, reducing costs, and providing a host of other valuable benefits. Whether you’re looking to streamline operations or enhance customer service, a cloud-based phone system is the intelligent choice for businesses of all sizes and industries. Carolina Digital Phone helps businesses like yours upgrade their existing telephone systems so they can increase productivity, streamline the customer experience and reduce costs without the need to maintain an on-premise phone system. Getting started is simple and can improve your bottom line almost immediately. 1.

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Nicky Smith

How to Look at Thanksgiving a Little Differently — and Change Your Life

Another Thanksgiving has arrived. Usually, we all use this occasion to take stock of all that we have to be grateful for. My list is long and includes my incredible family, my amazing team here at Carolina Digital Phone, and our loyal customers. I’m also deeply thankful for my friends and all of my professional and personal relationships. Hopefully, everyone reading this also has a long list of people and things that they are grateful for. I’ve always loved the James Allen quote: “No duty is more urgent than giving thanks.” May we all fulfill this duty without fail! But

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Nicky Smith

Why Insurance Companies are Choosing Hosted Cloud

The idea of insurance companies as old-fashioned enterprises with rows (upon rows) of filing cabinets underneath buzzing fluorescent lights is no longer valid. That’s because today, insurance companies are embracing technology-led solutions — and a core solution is a hosted cloud phone system.

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Nicky Smith

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Veterans Day + a Personal Story

Many people are thankful to our Veterans, but they do not go out of their way to demonstrate their gratitude. I don’t necessarily think that this is due to a lack of patriotism, but instead a lack of information. That is, many people just don’t know what to do. Let’s fix that!  According to Military.com, here are some great ways to thank a Veteran: Volunteer at a Veterans organization. If you are in Greensboro, you can contact the Greensboro Vet Center and inquire about ways that you can help. Buy a meal for a homeless Veteran. Across the country, there

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voip business phone systems myths and facts
Neil Matson

Debunking *7 Myths about Cloud Business Phone Systems

Are you a small to medium business owner tired of slogging through the myths and misinformation surrounding cloud-based digital phone services? Look no further! In this blog, we’ll debunk 7 common misconceptions about cloud-based digital phone service and show you why it’s the right solution for your business.

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Neil Matson

Business Continuity With Hosted VoIP

Downtime is always an inconvenience In addition to disaster preparedness for your business telephone system, it is important to have a disaster plan in place for all aspects of your organization. Do you have backup generators? Are files and documents backed up offsite? Is there a plan in place for employees to work remotely if necessary? Making sure these questions are answered before disaster strikes can make the difference between quickly bouncing back or potentially going out of business entirely. Are you prepared if disaster strikes your business? Don’t wait until it’s too late – consider implementing a cloud-based phone

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7 Ways That Business VoIP Revolutionizes Hybrid Work
Nicky Smith

7 Ways That Business VoIP Revolutionizes Hybrid Work

Prior to 2020, hybrid work was relatively uncommon. In actuality, most employees had never experienced this way of working — or even dreamed that it was possible. But now, hybrid work has gone from the sidelines to the mainstream. A whopping 83% of employees prefer hybrid work over entirely in-office or remote work. And 74% of businesses that have not already implemented a hybrid working model plan on doing so in the near future.  As a result of this shift, businesses need to re-examine their telecommunications infrastructure and identify tools that drive — rather than block — hybrid work. And

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Nicky Smith

Why is My Number Displaying as Spam?

With spam call blockers on the rise, many legitimate companies are finding themselves unfairly targeted. For organizations that depend on phone calls for their success, there’s nothing worse than their business telephone number being flagged for spam. After all, it can be challenging to get your prospective clients to pick up at the best of times; if your caller ID is suggesting you could be a spam call, then it’ll be all the more difficult. If your calls are getting through, then sooner or later, your operations will begin to suffer. The growing number of call-blocking software and systems has

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Business Man Choosing Digital Phone Company
Nicky Smith

Switching to a Digital Phone Company? Avoid this MASSIVE Mistake or Else!   

Back in 1603, a principle of contract law emerged that shifted the responsibility for discovering defects from the seller to the buyer: Caveat Emptor. If your Latin is a little rusty, this translates as “Let the Buyer Beware.”   Fast forward about five centuries, and the principle of Caveat Emptor is very much alive and well for all kinds of transactions and purchases, including when it comes to switching to a digital phone company.   Basically, the advice — and frankly, the warning — to heed is that you must conduct your due diligence BEFORE you sign on the dotted line. Otherwise,

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improve customer service with VoIP
Nicky Smith

MASSIVELY Improve Customer Service with VoIP: 8 Ways

Before we look at how to MASSIVELY improve customer service with VoIP, let’s take a moment to reflect on an old saying in the business world that goes: “if you don’t take care of your customers…then someone else will.” And these days, this advice is more crucial than ever. Consider the following: 89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience. [source] 68% of consumers say that they would pay more for products/services from a company that offers good customer service. [source] Consumers who rate a company’s service as “good” are 38% more

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Woman with Scalable Phone System
Nicky Smith

5 Reasons Why a Scalable VoIP Phone System Helps Future-Proof Your Business

Nobody has a crystal ball, and even so-called “Business Pundits” who love going on TV and predicting the future are dialing back on their forecasts — because if the last couple of years has taught us anything, it’s that things can change rapidly. And that is exactly why thousands of businesses a year are switching from a rigid and costly conventional phone system, to a flexible, cost-effective, and scalable VoIP phone system.  Below, we highlight 5 key reasons why VoIP helps future-proof your business:   1. Instantly Equip Remote and Hybrid Workers with a Full-Featured Telecommunication System  Whether some of your

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Nicky Smith

[URGENT NEWS] Our Plan for Hurricane Ian Hitting North and South Carolina

Ian came ashore on the afternoon of September 28th near Cayo Costa, Florida. It was initially classified as a Category 4 storm, then re-classified overnight as a Tropical Storm, before regaining strength and getting upgraded to Hurricane status. At the moment, Ian is forecast to hit the Charleston, SC area in the afternoon of September 30. It is then expected to hit the Charlotte, NC area in the afternoon of October 1. We Are Here to Serve You Be advised that the Carolina Digital Phone Support Team is “all hands on deck” to assist you over the next few days.

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woman using carolina digital solutions
Nicky Smith

Carolina Digital Solutions: 3 Ways We Offer MORE than the Best Cloud Phone System

If you’re a frequent visitor to our website and perhaps a longtime customer, then please don’t let the title of this blog confuse you. We are still proudly called Carolina Digital Phone. And so, why are we temporarily removing the “Phone” part of our name and referring to “Carolina Digital Solutions”? The answer is that we want to highlight that we offer much MORE than the industry’s best all-in-one cloud phone system. Below, we provide a summary of tools and products that enable our customers to reduce costs, boost productivity, and increase customer satisfaction.   Carolina Digital Solutions: Video Conferencing The

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Nicky Smith

4 Tools That You Need for Your Telemedicine Practice

Even if there are no longer any social distancing restrictions in place, many healthcare providers are still opting to continue their medical practice through telehealth. Virtual healthcare visits exploded in popularity in 2020, and the CDC noted that telehealth visits shot up by more than 150% during this period due to social distancing protocols. McKinsey and Company predict that up to $250 billion of current healthcare spending will move towards virtual healthcare in the next few years. Recognizing the demand for accessible healthcare, more providers and patients are planning to use telehealth services. If you’re one of the providers that

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5 Reasons Why Organizations Choose Carolina Digital Phone as Their Charlotte VoIP Phone System Provider
Nicky Smith

5 Reasons Why Organizations Choose Carolina Digital Phone as Their Charlotte VoIP Phone System Provider

Your organization has decided to switch from an expensive and limited landline phone system to a cost-effective, agile, and future-proofed VoIP phone system. Good move! Now, you need to select the right partner to take the shortest path to value. Here are five reasons why organizations choose Carolina Digital Phone as their Charlotte VoIP phone system provider:  1. We Offer a Complete All-in-One VoIP Phone System Our all-in-one VoIP phone system delivers a full range of features that significantly improve productivity, performance, efficiency, and customer experience. When you join many other organizations in choosing us as your Charlotte VoIP phone

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12 Eye-Opening Hosted VoIP Statistics You Need to Know
Nicky Smith

12 Eye-Opening Hosted VoIP Statistics You Need to Know

If you’re searching for hosted VoIP statistics, then you’ve come to the right place! Below, we highlight 12 eye-opening statistics that you need to know:   Industry Size: Hosted VoIP Statistics The global VoIP market is expected to grow from 85.2 billion in 2021 to $102.5 billion by 2026 — an increase of 20.3% over that 5-year span. (Source: Research & Markets) Between 2010 and 2018, businesses in the U.S. added over 35 million VoIP lines, bringing the total to more than 41.6 million. (Source: Statista) The VoIP industry in the U.S. employs 33,069 workers. (Source: IBISWorld) Cost Savings: Hosted VoIP

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Nicky Smith

Technical Support Outsourcing: What is it and How it Works

Business owners are meant to do different things. They are supposed to earn money from the things that they offer. They have goals and they aim to reach new heights for every goal that they accomplish. There is one thing that they should always remember though – to provide what their target customers need. Businesses need to provide technical support especially when customers feel that they need to inquire about the products and services being offered. This can also be helpful when customers want to report defective products. Providing technical support service is very important but there is one problem

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digital phone
Nicky Smith

A Closer Look at the Best Digital Phones Available Today

Choosing the right line of digital phones for your business is an important decision. But it does not need to be a difficult process. To save you valuable time and help you make the right choice, below we highlight the best digital phones available today across five categories: Basic, Standard, Cordless, Prime Business, Business Plus, and Premium.   Best Line of Basic Digital Phones: Yealink T31P The Yealink T31P line of digital phones is ideal for businesses that need an entry-level and easy-to-use — yet powerful and impressive — solution at a very affordable price.  Key features include: An extra-large and

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man using a digital phone app
Nicky Smith

6 Reasons Why a Digital Phone App for Business is Now ESSENTIAL

Over the last couple of years, the word “essential” has been used quite a bit. We’ve heard about essential workers, essential industries, and essential services. Well, now we need to add something new to the list of essentials: a digital phone app. Here are 6 reasons why:   1. Business Caller ID Many employers have a bring your own device (BYOD) policy, which allows employees to use their personal mobile devices for work-related purposes. This is cost effective for employers, and convenient for employees. That’s the good news. The bad news is that when making work-related calls, employees who are using

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person talking to a ucaas provider
Nicky Smith

6 Questions You MUST Ask a Potential UCaaS Provider

When it comes to reaping the transformative benefits and advantages of Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), you must focus on more than features and functions. You also need to choose the right UCaaS provider.  To help you achieve this goal, here are six questions to ask a potential UCaaS provider:  1. Do you have in-depth experience designing, implementing, and supporting UCaaS systems? As the old — but absolutely 100% valid — saying goes: there is no substitute for experience! If a UCaaS provider has less than a decade of experience (but obviously more is better), then cross them off

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woman upgrading to UCaaS
Nicky Smith

Upgrading to UCaaS? Follow These 7 Best Practices

If you are thinking about upgrading to UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service), then let us start with this: good move! Over the last few years, a growing number of organizations have said goodbye to a limited, inflexible, and excessively costly legacy phone system, and hello to an agile, cost-effective, feature-rich, and future-proofed UCaaS solution. In a moment, we highlight seven best practices for upgrading to UCaaS. First, let us answer a basic yet important question: just what is UCaaS, anyway? About UCaaS While the technology that drives UCaaS is complex, understanding the essence is simple. One of the best

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woman using a VoIP hosted PBX while working from home
Nicky Smith

3 Ways that a VoIP Hosted PBX Drives Hybrid Work

Now that the worst of COVID-19 is finally behind us, many organizations are deploying a hybrid work model. This allows employees spend part of the week in their home office, and the rest of the time in the corporate office. The good news is that a hybrid work model can be significantly beneficial for both organizations and employees. But the bad news is that “old world technologies” like a conventional landline phone system (PBX) can turn what should be a win-win strategy into a lose-lose fiasco. Fortunately, that is where a VoIP hosted PBX enters the picture and makes all

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VoIP Setup 20 Questions to Get Prepared
Nicky Smith

VoIP Setup: 20 Questions To Get Prepared

Thousands of organizations across all sectors have already made the switch from an expensive, restrictive, and inflexible conventional landline phone system, to an agile, scaleable, feature-rich, future-proofed, and cost-effective VoIP phone system.  If your organization has wisely decided to upgrade to VoIP (or you are considering it), then naturally you want the installation and implementation process to be smooth and straightforward, and that you take the shortest path to value. To ensure that you get prepared and hit the ground running from day one, here are 20 VoIP setup-related questions:   VoIP Setup-Related Questions About Your Organization’s Goals  These questions will

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woman searching "business phone providers near me"
Nicky Smith

Looking for Business Phone Providers Near Me? 3 Questions You MUST Ask

When you ask Google to find “business phone providers near me,” then you will get plenty of options (possibly including one that brought you to this article!). Obviously, Google is helpful here — but there is MUCH more to the story that you need to know. Why? Because while Google (which is by far the most popular search engine on the planet) can list some “business providers near me,” it cannot go deeper and tell you which specific providers are trustworthy and credible — and which are not. In other words: just being in close proximity to a business phone

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hosted voip phone systems people jumping in the air
Neil Matson

Why Your IT Staff Will Jump for Joy When You Switch to Hosted Cloud

Why Your IT Department Will Jump for Joy When You Switch to Hosted VoIP Your IT department is a vital part of your business. So, the fewer small fires they have to tend to, the more time they have to spend on those raging infernos that can bring any business big or small to a screeching halt. Imagine how unproductive your day would be if you had to troubleshoot issues for all of your co-workers. Unfortunately, this can be the rule rather than the exception for your IT department. They have to be responsible for keeping your company’s computer infrastructure

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ip pbx in a hall
Nicky Smith

What is an IP PBX?

An IP PBX is a private branch exchange (i.e. a telephone switching system within an organization), which allows calls to be placed and received over the internet. It uses an IP-based architecture to convert analog voice signals into digital, and routes calls to a VoIP Solutions Provider that is responsible for initiating and terminating each call.  Key Benefits of an IP PBX There are seven key reasons why a growing number of organizations across all sectors — health care, manufacturing, legal, financial services, IT, retail, logistics, etc. — have made the switch from a conventional on-premises PBX to an IP

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Nicky Smith

From Our CEO: What Are You Doing this Memorial Day?

Everyone who knows me is aware that I love having fun with family, friends, colleagues, and customers. Heck, I love having fun with total strangers (that guy who is being super friendly to everyone in the airport waiting area during the flight delay — yup, that’s me!). And so, given my fondness for fun, it’s easy to understand why I also love holidays. When you’re a kid, you take holidays for granted. When you’re an adult, you learn to appreciate them more. But make no mistake: to me Memorial Day has never been a conventional holiday. Now, don’t get me

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school district VoIP phone system
Nicky Smith

4 Ways that a VoIP Phone System Unifies Your School District Communications

School districts across the country are facing serious financial hurdles in the months and years ahead. Declining enrollment rates, mounting staff retirement costs, and widespread teacher shortages have added a whole new (and wholly unwelcome) meaning to the phrase “doing more with less”. Fortunately, there is a proven and cost-effective way for school districts to unify school district communications: upgrade from a conventional landline phone system to a VoIP phone system.  Here are four key reasons why an all-in-one VoIP phone system enables school districts to tie their school communications together:  A VoIP Phone System Connects All Staff Members and

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teacher talking about the best phone system for schools
Nicky Smith

5 Reasons Why Carolina Digital Phone Delivers the Best Phone System for Schools

Your school (or school district) has decided to upgrade from a costly and inflexible landline phone system to an agile, feature-rich, affordable, and future-proofed VoIP phone system. Smart move. Or, as your students might say: “it’s a no-brainer!” Now, you need to carefully choose a vendor that is going to make your experience straightforward, safe, and successful. From initial implementation to ongoing support. Well, here is another no-brainer: that vendor is Carolina Digital Phone! Here are 5 reasons why we deliver the best phone system for schools: 1. We have in-depth experience serving schools. Unlike most other vendors, we deeply

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Neil Matson


In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of technology we live in, it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends in technology, but we’re here to help.. So, let’s take a look at one very useful tool for business communications – the softphone. What is a Softphone? First, a bit of history. Softphones have been around for a while and are more commonplace than they were even a few years ago. As the name implies, a softphone is a means of communicating via a device other than a traditional desk phone. A software-based app that includes a variety

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7 Reasons Why Using Google Voice For Your Business Is A Bad Idea
Nicky Smith

7 Reasons Why Using Google Voice for Your Business is a Bad Idea

For many things “Google is your friend” is good advice. But there are exceptions. And as many businesses have unhappily discovered, using Google Voice is on the list. Here are 7 reasons why:   No Calls to Emergency Services Shockingly, Google Voice does not support calls to emergency services. This enormous limitation alone should make it a non-starter as a business phone system. Picture this nightmare headline: “Business Fails to Call Fire Department Right Away Because Its Phone System Won’t Dial Emergency Services”.   No Business Caller ID When making calls with Google Voice, a business’s regular phone number does not appear

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VoIP Explained
Neil Matson

VoIP Explained

A conventional on-premise PBX phone system uses landlines and local hardware to connect to a phone network. Alternatively, virtual PBX uses the internet to connect to an off-site PBX host. The solutions provider houses and maintains this. There are several major benefits to this solution.

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man using a multi-location phone system
Nicky Smith

10 Reasons Why VoIP is the BEST Multi-Location Phone System for Your Business

If you are planning on adding locations now or in the future, then here are 10 reasons why VoIP is — by far — the BEST multi-location phone system for your business. Getting The Best Multi-Location Phone System You’ll dramatically reduce your telecommunications costs. There is no expensive on-site phone system to purchase and maintain, and domestic long-distance calls are always free.   Your phone bill will be predictable. No more fluctuating from one month to the next, which helps you with budget management and financial forecasting.  You can connect multiple locations on a single, centralized system. Yet at the same

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988 Suicide Prevention Hotline
Neil Matson

Carolina Digital Phone Supports the “988” Suicide Prevention Hotline

We have spent the last couple of years talking virtually non-stop about the pandemic. But there is another pandemic that has been in place for decades, and unlike COVID-19 it is not waning — on the contrary, it is intensifying: the mental health pandemic that, each day, causes untold suffering and contributes to catastrophic and fatal outcomes.  Consider the following statistics per the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): At Carolina Digital Phone, we strive to be part of the solution. That is why we are proud to be an early adopter and vocal supporter of the recently-established mandate to

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Carolina Digital Phone Company in the triad
Nicky Smith

3 Reasons Why Businesses in the Triad Choose Carolina Digital Phone

For people who have no idea what Tar Heel Blue is, have never experienced the refreshing bliss of Cheerwine on a hot summer day, and who fail to grasp that Bull Durham is one of the greatest movies of all time, then “the Triad” is simply a trio of people or things — like musical notes or siblings.  But for folks who are intimately familiar with Tar Heel Blue, Cheerwine, and Bull Durham, then “the Triad” is, of course, a unique region in north-central North Carolina anchored by Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and High Point. It’s also home to some of North

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woman using a web-based softphone
Nicky Smith

3 Must-Have Small Business Benefits of a Web-Based Softphone

For stockbrokers — and day traders whose multi-monitor home office setup rivals NASA Mission Control — the mantra for success is: “buy low, sell high.” For real estate investors, it’s: “location, location, location.” And what about small business owners? Well, their key to success is: “DO MORE WITH LESS!” And one of the simplest and smartest ways to achieve this goal is with a web-based softphone. Below, we highlight 3 must-have small business benefits of a web-based softphone: 1. Support Remote and Hybrid Workers The pandemic dramatically accelerated the number of people working remotely full-time and hybrid (i.e. switching between

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men using a laptop for unified communication benefits
Nicky Smith

3 Unified Communication Benefits for Your Business

“Doing more with less” has always been a mantra on the business landscape. However, in the aftermath of COVID-19, it is not just a piece of good advice: it is a mandatory requirement. Simply put, businesses that find innovative and sustainable ways to do more with less will thrive in the months and years ahead, while those that don’t will struggle — and eventually, disappear. What does this have to do with unified communications benefits? In a word: everything! The Basics of Unified Communications  Unified communications (UC) refers to the integration of voice, data, and video communications on a single

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people using a hosted pbx phone system
Nicky Smith

Hosted PBX: 3 Eye-Opening Facts You Need to Know

If you’re searching for a smart and safe way to improve your business — which means a bigger bottom line, more productive employees, and happier customers — then here are three eye-opening facts about a hosted PBX phone system that you need to know: 1. Hosted PBX costs far less than a conventional landline phone system. Hosted PBX offers enormous cost savings for three reasons: There is no need to purchase and install an expensive physical telephone network at your location.  You do not have to buy a separate maintenance and support agreement . Your hosted PBX solution should include these

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people discussing Business VoIP Buyer’s Guide
Mitchell Smith

Business VoIP Buyer’s Guide: 4 Stages to a Smart, Safe & Successful Investment

When it comes to purchasing a VoIP phone system for your business, the last thing that you want to do is “roll the dice” or “hope for the best.” You want to KNOW that your investment and experience will be rewarding instead of regrettable. To ensure this happens, we have prepared the following business VoIP buyer’s guide, which covers four stages in the process: Discover, Evaluate, Demonstrate, and Select. Business VoIP Buyer’s Guide Stage 1: Discover Basically, there are three different types of VoIP vendors in the marketplace: “Do-it-Yourself” Mass Market Firms, Carrier Service Providers, and Dedicated Solution Providers. “Do-it-Yourself”

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meeting discussing - is voip reliable?
Matthew Hutton

Is VoIP Reliable? Here’s Why the Answer is YES!

At Carolina Digital Phone, we have been proudly serving customers for more than two decades. And one of the most frequent things we hear from our prospective customers goes something like this:  “We are really impressed by various aspects of your VoIP phone system, such as the cost savings, off-site system management, scalability, flexibility, and features. But we aren’t 100% sure about dependability, because we aren’t familiar with VoIP in our environment. So tell us, is VoIP reliable?” For Carolina Digital Phone customers, the answer to this pivotal question is an unqualified YES. Here are the 5 reasons why: 1.

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Nicky Smith

A Message from Our CEO Nicky Smith on the Conflict in Ukraine

It has been said that business leaders should never comment on politics - not because it’s the wrong thing to do, but because it usually isn’t good for business. Well, I’ll level with you: the second last thing I want to do is anything that would damage my business. For more than 20 years, I have put my heart and soul into Carolina Digital Phone. But the VERY LAST thing I want to do is sit by and stay silent when I firmly believe that standing up and speaking out is the RIGHT thing to do. And so, here I go: For

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people using unified communications and collaboration tools
Eric Lyon

8 Must-Have Unified Communications and Collaboration Tools in a VoIP Phone System

It is widely understood that a VoIP phone system (a.k.a. cloud phone system) is much more cost-effective than a conventional landline phone system — potentially saving tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in overall telecommunication costs.  However, there is another key reason why organizations in all sectors are upgrading to VoIP. They want to access a range of must-have unified communications and collaboration tools, including:  Unified Communications and Collaboration Tool #1: Video Conferencing During the pandemic, many employees went from never having experienced a video conference, to experiencing a few video conferences a week (or sometimes

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woman using a virtual pbx solution
Mitchell Smith

Why Virtual PBX is the Future of Business Telecommunications

It does not take long for some technologies to go from optional to essential. And, for the question to shift from “should we be using this technology in our organization?” to “how can we afford NOT to use this in our organization?”. Think of social media platforms. When they first hit the scene most corporations ignored these platforms. Now 97% of Fortune 500 companies use social media. Even cloud-based apps were initially treated with skepticism. Now 94% of enterprises use these apps across the world.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhTewwVCVWE What is the next technology to make the shift from optional to essential?

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women working at home phone
Nicky Smith

Embrace A Remote Work Model

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many businesses having no choice but to work from home. For some companies, this may be a relatively easy switch. Others might well be panicking about how to (quickly) deploy a remote operation. The good news is it isn’t too late to equip yourself with the right tools, practices, and attitudes to thrive as a remote business. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsbY5o2sOeU 1 . Communicate with your team When you are working remotely, it’s more important than ever to establish communication solutions for you and your team. Working remotely does not mean that communication should decrease, in fact, it’s

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nicky smith, boy scout
Nicky Smith

Recognizing National Boy Scout Day

Today, February 8th, is National Boy Scout Day. The Scouting movement in America began in 1909 when a Chicago publisher by the name of William Dickson Boyce became lost in the London fog and was assisted by a young boy to find his way.  As a proud Eagle Scout, I have incorporated the values I learned from my scouting days into my everyday life as well as my business. Scouting gave me many lifetime values that I still practice today. I consider myself in good company – there is a long list of Boy Scouts who have gone on to

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reliable VoIP phone system
Matthew Hutton

7 Reasons Why A VoIP Phone System From Carolina Digital Phone is EXTREMELY RELIABLE

At Carolina Digital Phone, we have been installing and supporting VoIP phone systems for more than two decades. And while our customers come from a variety of industries and sectors, they all ask the same key question: is a VoIP phone system reliable? The answer to this relevant and essential question is an unqualified YES. After all, you do not survive for two decades — and earn hundreds of 5-star reviews — if you sell an inferior product. Eventually, the truth comes out and there is nowhere to hide. Of course, we do not expect our customers to accept that

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boom supersonic coming to greensboro
Neil Matson

If You Build It, They Will Come – Welcome Boom Supersonic

Patience, it turns out – along with a heavy dose of planning, ingenuity, and negotiation – is a virtue. The Triad’s patience and hard work are coming together in the form of many new and noteworthy projects. In December of 2021, Toyota announced it will invest $1.3 billion to build an electric vehicle battery manufacturing plant at the Greensboro-Randolph mega-site. 2025 is when this plant is expected to come online. The plant is also expected to create 1,750 new jobs. Welcome Boom Supersonic This week, Governor Roy Cooper welcomed Boom Supersonic, based in Denver, Colorado, to Greensboro’s Piedmont Triad International

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teacher thinking about VoIP solution for schools
Joan Wilkerson

How to Get the Best VoIP Solution for Schools

The lingering effect of the pandemic is putting unprecedented pressure on schools to “do more with less” — while at the same time supporting and engaging teachers, administrators, and other staff. And that is why a growing number of schools – both public and private – are adopting a VoIP (a.k.a. cloud-based) phone system.  Below we highlight 7 key questions to help Superintendents, IT Directors, School Board Members, and other key stakeholders evaluate and choose the best VoIP solution for schools: 1. Will it deliver significant cost savings? The best VoIP solution for schools delivers significant and ongoing cost savings.

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man at desk with headphones
Nicky Smith

What are the Benefits of Live Call Monitoring with a Hosted Cloud Phone System?

If you ask employees what they love about their hosted cloud phone system, you’ll get a similar answer. The wide variety of features is always at the top of the list. Whether they’re getting voicemails and faxes delivered directly to their inbox, using video conferencing to connect with colleagues, creating customized auto-attendant to streamline things — or any of the hundreds of features available — the biggest complaint you will hear from employees is why didn’t we get these phones sooner?!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxlTKuB3mBg In fact, you’ll find some of the biggest supporters of cloud-based phone systems are supervisors. They love features

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chalkboard that says 7 key VoIP features for schools
Mitchell Smith

7 Key VoIP Features for Schools

There are many important reasons why school boards across the country have switched from an expensive and inflexible old-fashioned landline phone system to a cost-effective and future-proofed VoIP phone system. However, when it comes to using a VoIP phone system on a day-to-day basis, what teachers, administrators, executives, and all other staff love the most are features, features, and yet more features!  Below, we highlight 7 key VoIP features for schools that have staff saying “wow, this is amazing — how in the world did we manage before this?”: Key VoIP Features for Schools: Auto Attendant Auto Attendant is an

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CDP local tech support
Nicky Smith

5 Reasons to INSIST on Local Tech Support for Your VoIP Phone System

If your organization evaluates various VoIP (a.k.a. cloud-based) phone systems, you will naturally focus on factors like total cost of ownership, scalability, functionality, features, integrations, and security. All of these aspects are vital and need to be on your checklist. But another piece of the puzzle will ultimately determine whether your investment is rewarding and profitable or regrettable and costly: local tech support.  Below, we highlight five reasons why you should INSIST on local tech support for your VoIP phone system: 1. Local Tech Support Gives You Onsite Coverage Ideally, many of your support-related issues can be dealt with remotely.

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frustrated with computer
Nicky Smith

Tips About Can The Internet Handle All The New Traffic? From An Industry Expert

The world has changed rapidly over the last month or so. COVID-19 has changed how we work and where we work, and one of the side effects of that change is heavier pressure on the internet. After all, we’re now all working from home, communicating via video calls, and sending more emails than ever before. When you take into account how many millions of people around the world are changing their working habits in these ways, it’s clear that the internet will be under greater strain than ever before. So, can the internet handle all this new traffic and how

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